映画 《キングダム 大将軍の帰還Kingdom 4: Return of the Great General Kingudamu Daishōgun no Kikan》 Theme Song OST 主題歌 【English Lyrics】
Song Name: Delusion: All
Artist: ONE OK ROCK ワンオクロック
Translated and Designed by: Starlight Music

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Lyrics are translated to allow more music lovers understand the meaning and beautiful emotions presented in the songs. All videos are made for educational sharing. Video designs and translations are provided by Starlight Music, please do not reuse, copy, or reload to other platforms. You are welcome to embed and share. If you wish to share/use translations, please credit back to this channel 🙂

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#キングダム #キングダム大将軍の帰還# Kingdom4 #佐藤信介 #原泰久 #YasuhisaHara #ONEOKROCK #ROCK #ワンオクロック #delusionall #山﨑賢人 #吉沢亮 #橋本環奈 #清野菜名 #岡山天音 #三浦貴大 #新木優子 #吉川晃司 #小栗旬 #大沢たかお #主題歌 #themesong #lyrics #歌詞

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