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More videos of Nogizaka46 and Nishino Nanase at https://blog.naver.com/inned


  1. 나나세가 "고독한 늑대의 피 레벨2 "로 일본아카데미상 신인배우상 ,우수조연여우상 2개부문수상 축하🎉🎊 , 논노 마지막 촬영 봤는데 진짜 이쁘더라구요.졸업한다니 슬프네요.😭💔

  2. 6thシングル「ガールズルール」(2013年7月3日発売)収録曲
    作詞 秋元康
    作曲 Sugaya Bros.、松村PONY
    編曲 Sugaya Bros.
    歌  伊藤万理華、井上小百合、斉藤優里、桜井玲香、中田花奈、西野七瀬(センター)、若月佑美

  3. エース級の西野が小グループに配置された珍しいユニット。

  4. 乃木坂詳しくないけどこの曲の02:33の西野七瀬が可愛すぎてリピートしてしまう

  5. Hello is it possible to put the full concert of 5th birthday with nanase as the center of it all thank you

  6. These costumes are awesome! All of the members are beautiful, but Kana-chan's costume suits her perfectly. Whenever I think of the quintessential vision of Nakada Kana, I always see her wearing this; her musculature is so well defined, it is almost as if they designed hers first to show off her gorgeous form. In fact, all these members chosen for this unit were very athletic (Marika and Yuttan also stand out with their muscles)!

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