Ringing Bell (チリンの鈴, Chirin no Suzu, lit. Chirin’s Bell) is a 1978 Japanese anime adventure-drama film adaptation of the storybook of the same name written by Takashi Yanase, the creator of Anpanman. It is most notable by fans and critics as a family film which makes a sharp, sudden turn into a dark and violent story that criticizes and reflects upon the theme of revenge and war. It is also recognized as one of the only Japanese shock films directed towards children and families.

#blockbuster #animation #blockbuster #moviebreakdown #synopsis #ringingbell

If you enjoyed the video and would like to watch the movie for yourself, check the link below! (if you can’t find it here it’s either pinned in the comments or not available for free at this time)


Content Warning: While all of the content in the breakdown is family friendly, most videos reviewed contain explicit scenes that are not shown in the breakdowns. Please be aware of the ratings and content guidelines for each movie before watching.


This video was a collaboration between myself and my good friend Dinokeys! Dino is an amazing editor and I highly recommend him for any of your editing needs or art commissions! Find him at the links below!

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