Ten years ago today saw the release of my favorite film of all time. And I don’t use that term lightly. I’ve only ever called two movies that. Nothing has impacted my life more than movies and TV shows (I’m a film student after all) so for me to call a movie that, and for it to hold that title for so many years, is a big deal for me. Of course, there have been movies that have come incredibly close to beating it out (like Bolt, of course) but nothing ever could. Far beyond sentimental value, I’ve analyzed the film over and over again and continue to find so many amazing properties to it. The animation, the characterization, the music, the choreography, the meaning the stories and even brief quotes hold, and so much more.

But yes, beyond the fact that it is a fantastic film in and of itself, this film has touched my life in numerous ways. It was the means by which I met my best friend of ten years now, who was also the first of many I met as a result of a movie or TV show (now, almost all of my friends I met because of that). As the years passed, I met two more of my best friends thanks to this movie, all in three completely different instances. Saying this movie was what inspired me to pursue film would be lying, I was already a good four years into my film dream when I saw this movie. But being my number one favorite, it definitely set a standard of the quality of film I wanted, and still want, to achieve some day.

I’d like to dedicate this video to some of the fantastic people that contributed to this film that we have tragically lost over the past decade: Brittany Murphy, Robin Williams, and Prince, who sings this song. This video is also for anyone and everyone whose life has been touched by this phenomenal movie. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you all enjoy celebrating this special day.


Clips Used:
Happy Feet

Songs Used:
The Song Of The Heart – Prince

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