I fixed Vash hair from Trigun Stampede Trailer.


  1. I love U duuuuuude you make my day before wach the trailer and see what they make… a tik toker Vash

  2. Новый дизайн конечно хороший но в старом больше индивидуальности

  3. I don't care if story changes or gives better graphics or changes background of Vash. Yet never i mean never change his iconic hairstyle. Without that hairstyle it's not Vash the stampede

  4. Much more tolerable thank god it hurt me to see a classic butchered so badly

  5. Instantly better just by fixing his zoomer hair. Have you seen the new trailer though? They have Wolfwood wearing SKINNY JEANS AND SANDALS 🤢🤢🤢🤮

  6. It doesn't make sense for Meryl Strife, Nicholas D Wolfwood or Legato to be in the new trailer that just released a few days ago since AFAIK vash met them for the first time in the original which this will be a prequel to

  7. Its simple guys. If you dont like his new hairstyle. DONT WATCH IT EVEN ONCE. in real life. Even us, we change our hairstyle from time to time. Grow up!!!!

  8. Lol this edit is pretty dope NGL. Good job man!

    Appearantly this is a prequel series which I'm all for.

  9. Oh my god!!! This is the real vash I have been missing.. thanks for the edits!!

  10. wow, I'm surprised that you made it that clean. Really great job, that's my first anime I ever watched (I mean old one of course)!

  11. Thanks for this. I really cant get used to that weird half ass hair they gave him. Glasses are comicly big too and the jacket is not really what Vash should have be wearing… I really hope they will change at last a little the way he looks like during the air of the anime

  12. I can't believe they mutilated one of my favorite childhood anime like this lol and WHY the hell is Kirito voicing VASH??? The original VA is still ALIVE AND VOICING, he's literally doing shinji from bleach right now

  13. I think I have to agree that if he had a similar hair style to the original I'd be more keen on it. Nice work on this. I also agree with DeathgGod that it's strange having his whole origin dropped in our laps like that right away. Part of the charm of the original was the fact that he was such a mystery.

  14. I love this. El vash que todos necesitamos, luce mejor de lo que pensé

  15. There is a canon reason for Van's old hair style
    I personally dont mind the animation it's just the hairstyle feels off

  16. This fixed 50% of my problems with the reboot , the other 50% are that Milly is apparently missing.
    And honestly , both of these things are enough to make me not watch it.

  17. I would literally pay you to fix the full anime when it comes out, I cannot watch my boy Vash be dissed like this.

  18. damn this actually looks pretty good and was such a small fix, I wish they at least did the hair like this. Great job.

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