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Animation Studio: BONES

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  1. 5:36 Their goals are simple and not contradictory:
    Shigaraki wants to destroy the current world, and don't care about how the villains will recreate a new one. Toga wants to create a world where she's accepted, Twice just wants friends, Spinner wants to see Shigaraki's dream comes true, Dabi wants to create a world without fake heroes, Mr Compress wants to create a world where people won't earn money unfairly, MLA wants to create a world where Quirks can be freely used
    Most of their dreams require the current one to be destroyed so a new one can reborn, hence they all work with Shigaraki, waiting for him to destroy everything so THEY can build a new one. It goes to show how awful the anime adapted My Villain Academia, without Spinner first demanded an answer from Shigaraki, building up to the Doctor asking him the same question, Shigaraki's answer on his end goal didn't feel important in the anime, because it's sudden and rushed, and all the great visual from the manga were also cut

  2. I love how Spinner and Izuku totally ignore AFO'S ramblings and are just trying to think of ways to save Tomura

  3. Just a question do you also think hawks is a hypocrite since he killed someone even though he's a hero.

  4. It's crazy because this was supposed to be an early morning raid and nothing more.

    The heroes failed, again.

  5. larah: be ready to die
    sees his face
    also larah: please tell me your going to live

  6. For anyone questioning who won this war, give it a couple episodes. Someone’s got an encore planned, then the winners will be clear.

  7. Deku: “I feel this stinging in my head. This is Danger Sense. The Fourth’s quirk.”

    Audience: “………isn’t that just Spi-“

    Horikoshi: “Yeah that’s right. I gave Deku his own Spider-Sense on top of giving him his own webs. He’s Spider-Man now and I’m tired of pretending he’s not!”

  8. Yeah!!!! 🙌 technically the villians won this battle destroying the faith of this oversaturated society of heroes.

  9. Mr. Compress’s great great grandfather, Oji Harima, was mentioned back in Season 4 during Gentle’s introduction as one of the three great villains (alongside All For One and Destro) of hero society. Now the Paranormal Liberation Front has three successors to those legendary villains: Shigaraki, Re-Destro, and Mr. Compress.

  10. Oji Harima was first mentioned back in season 4 by Gentle Criminal. He existed during the time of All for One and Destro (Re-Destro's ancestor) in the first generation of quirks. And that was the only time he was mentioned in the series. And the whole LOV flashback with the CRC group was from the beginning of the My Villain Academia arc in the manga which got cut off/removed from season 5.

  11. 5:36 not at all actually. They all want a world where they basically can live freely, where they won’t be judged, where hero’s are actually hero’s. While yes there goals slightly differ from person to person the overall goal of making a new world by destroying the old one is the same. So there is no actual contradiction.

  12. So when reading the manga going through this week by week for like idk a year. Was intense. Like its crazy to think that yall have gone through this so quickly when between the chapters this makes up and the various break weeks the war took what I think was around a year from start to end for those of us reading weekly. It was an absolutely wild ride.

  13. Honestly, this is really just the first battle in a war that's still going in the manga. Things just keep going from bad to worse for the heroes and the average people.

  14. So when us manga readers got to this point, at least among those I talked to, this point was just a point of dread and excitement.

    Mha is very much about social issues and how messed up the hero society is and by this point

    1. Multiple cities were decimated by Gigantimachia resulting in destruction unseen by Japan in a long time
    2. Many civilians and heroes have lost their lives in a single day
    3. The Number 5 hero has lost limbs. The number 3 hero has lost a lung and was straining to even use his powers greatly hurting his body. The number 2 hero has had his wings burned off and has seemingly lost his career as a hero both from the loss of two limbs and having Twice's death twisted to the public. And the number one hero has suffered multiple injuries and had his family s past aired out to the entire country has been mentally traumatized by the reveal about Toya and now has to face the consequences of the Dabi reveal
    4. Deku has severely injured his arms and he was told previously that if he continued to injure his arms in such a way he'd likely lose the ability to use them
    5. Eraser has seemingly had his eyes gouged out meaning he can no longer see and he can't use his quirk any more
    6. Eri just used up her power on Mirio meaning none of the injured can be healed via her (which is a good thing get rid of that plot device also dont do that to a 5 year old)
    6. Seemingly other characters have been lost but won't name since I don't think you've caught on to what we were all thinking by this point
    7. We knew Toya and Toga were gearing up to do more given everything
    8. Tomura has been seemingly body snatched by AFO which omg no
    And 9. Deku even when faced with someone who had hurt others and he has wrecked his own body to attack… was willing to still reach out to Tomura cause he looked like someone who needed saving.

    Everything ive said is just what we thought at the time I havent said anything using my knowledge of the events that follow. Just clarifying in case any anime onlys get worried.

    This arc is widely considered either the best or second best of the entire series. The manga is currently in its final arc and should be ending this coming year. So im interested to see what you and other anime onlyd think of the remaining arcs that are left.

  15. I think the villans are the winners in the end of it all. After everything, the people now have zero faith in the heroes plus all the info out there over their number 1 hero.
    Great season so far. My one complaint is that at times it felt like they really wanted you to feel for the villains. Mr. Compress and Spinner talking like we're supposed to feel sorry for them. That moment when they let Shigaraki monologue or even Twice having so much time dedicated to him. I never cared about Twice or the villains in that way.

  16. Izuku Midoriya is the saver what heroes society needs, how far you draw the line.. SuperHeroes mean to be save people not execute neutralize their enemy and Midoria Izuku is a perfect for role of that SuperHeroes!

  17. This episode concludes the 1st part of this mha war arc.
    And i love how the cat is giving his commentary on this episode too. 🤣

  18. Oh shit not again… It will be Obito all over again 😕
    The villain responsible for hundreds or thousands deaths who needed to "be save" that is so lame and lazy writing

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