The 2nd soundtrack CD by Bi Kyo Ran for the Cromartie High School series. It is a Japanese manga series. It follows the everyday life of Takashi Kamiyama and his odd classmates at Cromartie High School, an infamous school for delinquents. The series is a parody of Japanese manga from the 1970s and 1980s.
The Anime television series aired in 2003 and 2004.
Mostly short instrumental songs with computer sounds, clearly made for an Anime soundtrack.

At 44:23 added as an extra on the CD, a normal song live by Bi Kyo Ran from 1979, namely the song 警告 (Warning). This song can be found as a studio performance on their debut album 美狂乱 (Bi Kyo Ran) from 1982 and lasts more than fifteen minutes.


1 スクエア・ムーン (Square Moon) (Vocal Version)
2 祭り (The Festival)
3 星がどっさりな夜 (Full Stardust)
4 煽るブリッジ 1 (Bridge 1)
5 即興 2 (Improvisation 2)
6 プータン# 1 (Theme From Pu-Tang 1)
7 Mechazawa Hi-Speed (Instrumental)
8 Life On The Earth 2
9 煽るブリッジ 2 (Bridge 2)
10 ミミズ (The Earthworms) (Vocal Version)
11 Concerto Silent
12 謎のブリッジ 1 (Bridge 1)
13 Troy
14 サイモトロン (Simotoron Device)
15 Concerto Impro 2
16 謎のブリッジ 3 (Bridge 3)
17 デッドボール (Dead Ball)
18 そろそろ (Soon)
Bi Kyo Ran live track:
19 警告 (Warning) (1979/5/5 Live At Silver Elephant)

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