Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue is widely considered the best psychological thriller ever made. It certainly gave ME nightmares back in the days, and the best part about it all is that, while it’s one terrifying work to watch, it’s also an incredibly well made film, and quite beautiful in that regard.

While there are, therefore, plenty of dissections and analysis on this masterpiece, I rarely see anyone discussing this one particular scene that completely freaked me out the first time I watched it.

Let’s take a look at that scene, what makes it so scary, and how it ties to the rest of the film, by looking at the wonderful techniques Satoshi Kon utilizes throughout the film.

Rest in peace, Satoshi Kon.


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Extra Credits:

Satoshi Kon’s lecture on Perfect Blue (from my bluray) was referred when discussing about the opening fight between Powertrons and King Burg and its meanings.
Otherwise, there are no articles or videos to cite in regard to the research and writing of this video, but I do want to mention that I watched a whole bunch of reaction videos on YT to see if others also found this scene terrifying.
Thankfully, many did, and many were perplexed before the actual image came up, which is important. (I really thought maybe it’s just me). So thank you to everyone who reacted to this masterpiece and shared my sentiment.

0:00 Introduction
0:35 The Scene
2:22 Music
3:14 Camera & Misdirection
6:07 Cut
9:33 Red
11:11 The Second Scene
12:50 Perfect Blue

#satoshikon #perfectblue #videoessay

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