Aggressive Retsuko Season 5
Aggretsuko Season 5



  1. They really wasted this character. She represents a very large demographic in Japan that needed to see her story through

  2. Ooh, what if someone made a cover of her singing "Burn my dread" from Persona 3.

  3. Don't forget, not only is this realistic cor many people, many countries actually participate in worker slavery 😀 never EVER give up your passport EVER to an employer, you will not get it back and you will be trapped.

  4. When Haida was trying to reach back out to her and realized she no longer goes to the net cafe. I initially thought they implied she committed suicide. The reason being that she could not hang out with Haida since he was moving to better things.

    When we are first introduced to her, she was constantly getting on Haida to play with her. She was probably lonely and just enjoy playing with Haida when he is not working. She looked out for him as a friend, but maybe had a bit of a romantic interest. When aggretsuko found him and got him to move in with her. She can be seen looking for another raid partner, as Haida was probably forced to stop playing to focus on getting back on his feet. (Maybe also limit interactions as he is in a relationship)
    Thankfully she was still around, but they definitely should have explorer her more. Maybe a spinoff series?

  5. No mention of what became of her afterwards. A waste of a good character, horrible series finale

  6. 0:25
    I have a question for those that understand formal and informal Japanese. When I took a Japanese 101 course, I was taught that one could state their name or profession using the phrase "Watashi wa [NAME] desu".

    When Shikabane introduces herself with a mere "Watashi Shikabane", without the 'wa' or 'desu', how does that come across to the native Japanese speakers? Are the subtitles really accurate? Does it come more across like caveman speech like "Me am Shikabane" ? Or would it be more like an aloof hipster not wanting to follow all of the grammatical rules so they say "Sup, name's Shikabane" ?

  7. Ngl, I'm just about this close to doing what she did, I ain't got big goals anyway

  8. Damn, I really wish her to get a better life before the series ends

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