Satoshi Kon’s 1997 classic psychological thriller, Perfect Blue, is a haunting look at how the entertainment industry, fandoms, and the unrelenting pressure of fame can blur the lines between what’s meant to be a production and what’s actually real. In this video, we analyze how Perfect Blue’s main character, Mima, fights to navigate her role in this game and answer the one question everyone around her lays a claim to answer – Who are you?

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00:00 Introduction
01:42 The Voices From the Crowd (The Fans)
04:10 The Voice From the Shadows (Mr. Me-Mania)
07:28 The Voices From Above (The Industry)
10:59 The Voice Next To You (Rumi)
15:21 The Voice From Within (Mima)

written/narrated by ty

#Perfectblue #satoshikon

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