I apologize for the wondrous lack of music, I’m sure you can all guess why. WMG went ballistic all over my videos, which is why I flew from 21 to 15 😛

Sorry guys, I know you loved Sparkling Angel and Forsaken, but hopefully you can find them elsewhere 😉

Edit Apr 09:
Hi there everyone! I’d like to thank you all for the support over the last few months, I’m surprised that I’m still getting subscribers, e-mails and messages! I appreciate it all! The audio removal has made it difficult to enjoy the video, I know and I apologize.

I’m glad to see that I’ve drawn so many people to Within Temptation and to D.N. Angel! They’re both wonderful and I’m glad you think so too!

I’m still active on Gaia, feel free to add me~ My name is Akiachan. I’ll accept anybody 😛

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