The wait was worth it. I will never recover from this episode. Perfection.






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  1. I’m so addicted to you that I watch you even in school when I’m told not to

  2. “Everyone’s gonna turn into a titan now”
    Manga readers: 😳😳😳

  3. I only watch sub if there’s no other choice

  4. Aot fans try not to be overhyped for 1 frame of the show challenge (impossible)

  5. While Eren had that dream he saw the whole entire aot ending in his head. He knew all of this was going to happen. Oh and fun fact, in the poster he is yellow lines on his titan. That means he is going to go berserk mode.

  6. I have a theory. I don't think that was actually Zeke. I think that was a hardening of his Beast Titan. Think about it. He was all white, attached to Eren directly, created hardening to throw which he couldn't do before, and his aim got worse. Zeke 100% could've shot down their plane, but he barely missed. I think it's Eren controlling that thing to distract them from actually finding Zeke. On top of that, in the full scene, it almost looks like he transforms twice

  7. Another important person when Hange is welcomed by the fallen in the afterlife, apart from Erwin, is Moblit * the guy who helps her up*, which is a character most people forget about since he isnt that important. He was Hanges closest assistant. And if people remember him it is most often from season 1 when Hange is experimenting on some titans and he expresses is concern for her, or as the guy who sacrificed himself by pushing Hange into the well in the end of season 3, saving her from Berholds blast leaving her only with a damaged eye.

    He is one of the guys Hange thinks back on whenever the topic of their fallen comrades is brought up. He is also present in the memory of Erwin when he talks about everyone who has died along the way during his final speech.

  8. if your a manga reader you will sadly know that stopping the rumbleing was a mistake if you know you know

  9. so everyone ignores the other Wall titan Stepping on the Other Wall titan while it was down and killing it

  10. 18:10 This scene of Levi and Hange completes the movie for me. Hearing Levi say the words gives me goosebumps everytime.

  11. Not risking the scouts with Titan powers was the main thing about Hange’s sacrifice. Yes, the others could have helped, but the best way to avoid something going wrong was for her to use her skills to slow them down, and ONLY her.

    So she stopped the first few, long enough so that they could get out. When she saw the opportunity, she figured she could help the others and end her life doing what she loved best: seeing the Titans up close.

  12. Falco randomly waking up realising he can fly is the dumbest cliché in the series this is what made the end so discussed

  13. Your series of death jokes on the halil and ramzi dialogue exchange in the beginning is absolutely sending me 😭😭😭 I'M LITERALLY WHEEZING

  14. I like how when a charecter is about to die his obsession with him comes more and more out 😂😂

  15. Russia, USA, China. stop invest on weapon. all we need is love and peace. human being need to reach the next level in next 3 decade. 2055 is the year. Oct is the month. 9th is the date you will regret/ — (omosudux この sasudseciu ,-9s cphtyon g ai 192.eve.yao 8ろず shint)

  16. I still can’t believe that people say her death is a suicide not a sacrifice 🥲

  17. An interesting thing you can see is that Eren wanted to be free, and in the end he became a slave to his actions in the future, he became a slave to fate. That's why the founding titan of eren has his arms held by ropes, because he is his own slave, Eren is his own puppet.

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