WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN WITH HOW PHENOMENAL THIS EPISODE AND HOW MUCH I LOVED IT??? I have never smiled so much watching an episode of Vinland Saga. I thought we’d already gone far enough with Canute was laughing but it kept soaring. Canute made me so proud!! Thorfinn continued to prove that he’s the best. Thorfinn and Einar solidified their brotherhood, said goodbye to Arnheid and the farm and are heading to Iceland just before Vinland!! I’m so happy they’re staying together!! I can’t stress how much I love Vinland Saga!

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  1. The manga gave extra context about the farm at the end.

    The farm is reduced to half it's former size.
    Ketil retired and is sad about Arnheid (he said Arnheid while looking hollow/sad in his face)
    Olmar took over the farm and compensated the families taking part in the battle.
    Thorgil went away, never seen again.

  2. It's not even the final episode of the season but it's a perfect ending to this arc. Vinland Saga is officially a masterpiece. Great job, Mappa. We will be looking forward to the third season. 🎉🔥👏

  3. my eyes fucking exploded with tears when Thorfinn and Einar called each other "Brother."
    like, fuck this series is pure beauty

  4. also, I know this is not canon, but merely my delusions, but that confrontation between Thorfinn and Canute was so beautiful, and kinda …romantic?! Like, the passion between these two is magical.

  5. idk if you know ab this or no but in one of the last few eps snake mentions that he's from constantinople (called miklagard in norse) which is why he also has that saber! just a fun fact for all snake simps like us lol

  6. There's a bit of extra info from the manga that wasn't mentioned in that end montage.
    Olmar distributed the Ketil family wealth and land to everyone that participated in the battle. He is indeed together with the farm girl (I can't remember if they are officially married). Thorgil walked out and was never seen again since he can't live in peace. Likewise, it's implied Ketil never recovered after learning he killed Arneid.

  7. Im not going to say how good the story because everyone know it was peak. But man the music is top tier, i get shiver all my body in the entire episode

  8. Peakland Saga

    This episode contained scenes that many stories hope to achieve. Just incredible to see the payoff of Thorfinn's efforts, his determination, the brotherhood between him and Einar, and the respect he rightfully earned. Even Olmar showing his respects to Thorfinn, while also owning to his own growth. Absolutely incredible storytelling. One of the best I've seen in anime so far.

  9. The fact that Vinland saga can produce 23 episodes of PEAK is incredible really love your reactions what an emotional and heartfelt episode that was 💕

  10. The feels I got from this episode were just amazing. Seeing just how much of a positive impact Thorfinn made on everyone he met on the farm from Olmar, Snake, Old Master, Pater and even on Canute, it's no wonder they all think of him as a one of a kind incredible man. The scene of Thorfinn and Einar by Arnheid's grave is one of the best scenes I've ever witnessed in any show given the deep context behind it. Also that special poem at the end of the episode was just beautiful. Perfect way to wrap up the farmland arc for every character we saw in S2.

  11. Even though I knew what was coming having read the manga I didn't expect to cry the second time around. Just giving the scene color and voice. Hearing Snake say he's Roald is just so damn intense! Nealy everyone wins. Ketill (murderer) even has a semi happy ending is still has someone there to mend him, plus he gets to see Olmar have what he was denied (the woman he loves). Seeing Thorfinn and Einar becoming brothers is just too much, Arnhied watches over them. Plus Pater's alive and Sverkil has found his strength again. There is so much coming that this show will last years! That was only the first peak!

  12. “Who do you take after” is definitely referencing askeladds ability to talk. Thors was always missing that, even when he wanted to be a true warrior he said he still had to use his firsts because he was not yet a master. Thorfinn is at this point a master. He became a true warrior using the skills of Askeladd and Thors.

  13. I love your complete understanding of every step of this story, it's so refreshing and beautiful to hear you comment on it as it goes on and just…getting it. I teared up when you said "brothers, they're brothers" right before they finally call each other "brother". It's such a beautiful moment and you totally called it just by the way the story was going, the emotions the anime was carrying, and your own understanding. Im gonna miss your reactions to this series soooo much.

  14. こんにちは✨😃❗本当に素晴らしいエピソードでしたね!そして、原作から、一部のエピソードの順番を入れ換えてこの構成にしたのも素晴らしいと思います!!原作通りだと、感動のシーンでトルフィンのお顔が……アニメであれは絶対に可哀想だと思っていたので!!

  15. For someone who claims to be a pacifist, one must have experience and understand violence, live with it that it cost that person to be driven to become a pacifist. Thorfinn is one of that example.

  16. This such a great episode and such a good adaptation of the manga. I will say though the Anime really toned down how messed up Thorfinns face was after the 100 punches. I liked it because in the manga it made the final scene of their deparure from the farm a lot funnier in tone.

    I would honestly recommend reading reading chapter 99 which was them leaving just to take a look at his face

  17. They could've literally given me an entire season on Thorfinn & Canute talking and i wouldn't complain.
    This ep was perfect. Kinda wished it's the finale

  18. I really like Snake or Roald(I am used to calling him Snake)..
    I hope we can hear about them again.
    Canute's laugh btw 😀
    Also Canute and Thorfinn..despite having to go against each other in some areas.. Is working as allies sort of again..Thorfinn saving the people Canute cannot. Canute's all for.."sacrificing two men for hundered people"..So Thorfinn will save those two men Canute had to sacrifice. And Canute will try his best to reduce the two men to one men or none if possible for Thorfinn

  19. I used to love Vinland Saga until I watched this reaction now all of a sudden I’m stating to hate it …

  20. Finally satisfaction in this episode after 22 episodes of pain and suffering .
    To Vinland we go ❤

  21. Chhal khaaaayba m3a karek majachi meak ni had contenu ni english li fqrhaana kateawj biha fomk ,

  22. Little detail: When Thorfinn wakes up in the shed this episode u can see he wakes up peacefully rather than from having a nightmare like he always does

  23. 21:40 – During this part in the manga, Thorfinn's face was actually extremely swollen when he woke up, causing him to have some seriously slurred speech that let for some humorous relief within all of the emotion. I'm assuming MAPPA decided to take that part out because they wanted a more emotion-based end to the Farmland arc, however I still find it funny to think about Thorfinn's puffy face saying "goodbwy" to everyone.

  24. There is one thing I can say that she has noticed that no other reaction video has even taken the chance to notice at 12:34 when Canute laughed and showed his pure hearted face for once in a very long time she has been the only person to notice that and call it out in her reaction video and that was the main part of this entire episode the creator wanted that part to be highlighted in this episode and no one has even taken the chance to notice that but you girl so honestly good job for noticing that and taking the moment to explain it to ur audience the importance of his face finally laughing and looking so pure once again and you also noticed that Thorfinn was the only person to interfere in Canutes head when he was talking to his dad in his head like he always does

  25. It’s so good to be getting to where we are! The preview got me so emotional too!!! I don’t blame you for peaking lol I wonder how long the final episode will be! Your going to LOVE that episode consider it a treat for what you’ve been through this season! Like you said tho they better make the announcement for season 3 next week or soon like plzzzzz 😭

  26. Man this episode made me tear up, especially the part with thorfinn and einar when they called eachother brothers 😭

  27. حلقة فوق التقييم عظيمه كالمعتاد 💖

  28. When Canute said, "I wonder who you got that from" it really wasn't Thors. Canute knew Thorfinn got the eloquence and that specific stance from the common person they admired — Askeladd.

  29. Loved the intro reflections.
    Loved the episode.
    Loved the reaction to it.

    Sidenote.. there is a reason Canute, or Knut in todays scandinavic and Knutr as spelled in old norse, was called Canute the Great. He ended up being the first daneman whom was appreciated by both anglosaxons and danes, remembered as very wise and knowledged whom valued the bonds between both ethnics in his kingdomed countries. In difference to this version tho, he was an incredibly dedicated christian.
    Still, the way the author depict this intriguing version adds even more to the fascinating legend of Canute the Great.

    Finally, the words spreated out in sets at the end of the episode. "Carve it" etc. The way they are written reminds a lot of old norse writings. They were often shortsentenced and direct, yet impactful. It's called Hällristning in swedish, and the direct translation would be Rock engravings, but i think it's called petroglyphs(?). Just a thought..

  30. Vinland Saga is the best anime ever made. This story is really powerful, it touches you deeply in the soul and teaches you a way of living.

    Remember the opening:

    "I'm maybe crazy enough to break myself inside my head, because lately I couldn't find these answers to live by instead"

    Thorfinn found those answers in the end of this season, he finally knows to what values he should live by, he's no longer empty, he's no longer lost, he no longer doubts his oath, he has found the first method, he can live now.

    This story is something else, it changed my whole perspective on fiction. It showed me that a fictional work can be used to teach a way of living, that it can change someone's view on life, as it did with me.

    Thank you, Vinland Saga.

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