#水星の魔女 #アイナジエンド

アイナ・ジ・エンド / 宝石の日々 [Official Music Video]
Music / Lyrics : アイナ・ジ・エンド
Arrangement:Tomi Yo / Shuta Nishida

ガンダムシリーズ TVアニメーション最新作
『機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女』最終回挿入歌
#水星の魔女 #アイナジエンド

【MV staff credit】
Director/Cinematographer Kisshomaru Shimamura
Cinematographer Assistant Madoka Okazaki/Kishin Yokoya/Kazushige Kochi
Offline/Online Editer Koji Enomoto
Colorist Toshiki Kamei(ARTONE FILM)
Lighting Director Yoshitaka Shimamura
Lighting Assistant Tetsuya Kusu
Styling Chinami sogame
Hair&Make up KATO(TRON) 
Hair&Make up Assistant Kanna Tsuyama
Production Manager Mayumi Yamanaka(YAMANAKA management)
insert photo by Maho korogi.AiNA THE END

YouTube: @アイナ・ジ・エンド Official


  1. BiSHのオーディションで歌ってたBISBISをまた歌って欲しい!!

  2. 涙こぼれる。アイナが生まれてきてくれて、今いてくれて、本当にありがとう

  3. 優してあったかくてキラキラしていて抱きしめたくなるMVだ

  4. What a touching song, it fits really well with the Witch from Mercury's ending scene. My eyes keep tearing up whenever I rewatch it I swear.

  5. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. What a perfect song to close Witch from Mercury. Gonna miss the series and the cast.

  7. Lyric

    An unclouded day
    Where my still beating heart is the only thing I'm aware of
    How it sways

    The wind was far too gentle
    The setting sun is evil, It looks like it'll gobble me up

    On a quiet, moonlit night
    I saw the continuation of a dream that was once cut short
    Let Sirius shine brighter
    These days are like precious gem stones

    The gaping darkness, resembling lips,
    Looks like it'll swallow me whole
    Standing far away

    Don't leave, please don't leave me
    I could be honest after hearing your voice
    If the sky is overcast, close the window
    I'll cherish and protect you

    It's like the world was covered in a thin layer of frost
    And my heart began to thaw after I met you
    Oh, let's keep going
    These days that are like precious gem stones
    I'm sure they'll go on, just like this, just like this
    The dreams I want to see with you, even more,
    Let blessings be woven into them, gently

    An unclouded day
    Where my still beating heart is the only thing I'm aware of
    How it sways

  8. Red:birthmarkのように感情が高まるような曲だけじゃなく、やさしい歌も歌えるアイナちゃんすごい‼️どちらも水星の魔女にとって、大切な曲です😌

  9. Your music is so beatiful it really touched my heart when it started in Gwitch, loves from Brazil.

  10. Thank You!! And farewell
    Gundam The Witch From Mercury
    I will cherish you for the rest of my days
    May there be full of blessings

  11. 心に伝わってくる歌声です😢
    私のガンダム水星の魔女 熱を大きく盛り上げていただいてありがとうございました‎(و 'ω')و アザッス!

  12. It's amazing song. I loved it in epilogue! Thank you for your work.

  13. 私共、鼻短い族にとっては他人とは思えない。だから全力応援しますよ❤

  14. めちゃドロドロしてたのに、この曲が流れたら劇場版のドラえもんのラストくらい爽やかになってびっくりした!

  15. >途切れた夢の 先に出会った


  16. Very beautiful song! Every time i listen, the happy ending scene from Witch from Mercury will comes to my mind!! Thank you Aina!

  17. アイナちゃんの、こういう穏やかでつぶやくような歌が好き(´ー`)

  18. 改めて聞いたらああホントに水星の魔女が終わっちゃったんだ…と涙が

  19. when she wrote the lyrics in mirione's POV
    sending lots of love for this beautiful song and amazing artist! <3

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