Kotaro lives alone
Kotarou wa Hitorigurashi


  1. I love how in the anime Ayano tried to make sure that Kotaro didn’t know that his mother died.

  2. I like how Japanese pronounced "thanduri chikin" instead of "tandoori chicken" 😂lol but very cute though

  3. I never thought about adopting a child, but I feel I would offer myself to adopt Kotaro without think twice.

  4. Kotaro is very perceptive and sharp in his dealings. He makes her drink beer in the series to make her tell him the truth about about who the kind person is.

  5. This.😩 Is.😵 Worst.😡 Clip.😨 Yet!! It conforms mothers death. True spoiler. Didnt really believe that from the praying at grave sight with Karino. Truely hurt and pissed!😭😥😨

  6. Kugimiya Rie-san, the legend voicing Kotarou really tugs my heartstrings.

  7. i find myself relating to kotaro more and more as i watch this show. growing up alone, when you have neglectful parents, will leave you to try and figure out emotional intelligence and learning how to navigate the world by yourself when you're way too young. but it'll also leave you seeking attention from anyone who will give it to you. that's not a moral failure in itself, it's just that many, many kids from abusive households will land themselves in harmful/dangerous situations because they're looking for somebody to care about then where their parents didn't.

  8. Jesus christ every clip I watch of this show breaks my heart. I should probably just watch the show.

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