Kotaro lives alone
Kotarou wa Hitorigurashi


  1. AY yo this anime really made you cry every episode, even if you didn't want to cry it FOUND A FUCKIN WAY

  2. I'm really eating a cookie and watching this during my short work break all teary-eyed huh. Holy moly does this hit.

  3. I always told myself that I'm a strong boy with strong feelings but here I am blowing my snot while my tears kept flowing for an unknown reason🤷‍♂️

  4. I see and watch these clips and I come out the same. Tears in my eyes. If I were able to, I'd raise this boy good grief. He is doing a good job

  5. My man is just 4 years old and just taking so many L's i hope when this anime ends he gets the dub he deserves

  6. i agree kotaro ,we all want someone to say "you are doing a great job, how fantastic" 🙂

  7. That boy has a pure heart. He even turns a scammer into a humble soul.

    Bless his kind little soul… T~T

  8. This show kills me with adorable and heartbreaking at the same time 🤣😭😭

  9. god im such an emotional person, i outright sobbed lmfao

  10. Hey guys…has humans invented anything yet to enter the anime world.?

    I really wants to give a fricking hug to this boy. 🥺🥺 KOTARO NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COST !!!! 😭

  11. Fuckkkkkkkk why did I accidentally clicked thisss like it took me so long to get over this anime and now all the memories are just coming back🥹😭

  12. I need to be sleeping instead of balling my eyes out for this but he's just too adorable :'0

  13. 最終回のEDでは息子さんとキャッチボールしてたみたいで良かった

  14. For those who can't/haven't watched the anime but want to know what happens to the scam caller (SPOILERS below)
    In the end credits scene of the last episode, it shows the scam caller kneeling next to his son, while they both wear baseball mitts. He's smiling, and his clothes are completely different (implying that he must have left the scam organization, and has gotten a legitimate job somewhere else)

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