【バキ】Yujiro easily broke a katana with his bare hands and smash Motobe mouth until nomore teeth
【バキ】Yujiro easily broke a katana with his bare hands and smash Motobe mouth until nomore teeth
【バキ】Yujiro easily broke a katana with his bare hands and smash Motobe mouth until nomore teeth



  1. 勇次郎が柳にここまでやるのって刃牙が毒手に侵されて怒っているから?

  2. ガイアの外伝のカップル作品好きなんよな

  3. ガイアとキュアウィングの中の人が同じってちょっと信じられない

  4. やっぱアニメだと漫画にある緩急が活きてこなくてムズムズするね

  5. 小学校くらいまではガイアは実在したからリアリティある人も多いと思うよ

  6. 高校生にもなればもう大人、最強なんて夢は霧散する

  7. And I am a woman…a mother, 4 children's 46 years old. But I can fight without weapons in me, just playing without carrying any weapons. .but I believe I already have all any kind of weapons I can imagine that I wanna used. If I wanna killed. But I am not killing when I play. But if you insist to have weapons….to used. I believe in declared you can used and bring what ever kind of weapons you need….,kasi tatapatan ko lahat ng weapons thar you guys have. Kahit anong style kay Kong gawin….hahhaahha I am not a lesser …. like I said I am a warriors and the number one a fighter …of any kind off weapons ….I am serious. .Para maganda ang laban dala na din kayung pan pa Tigas ng mga weapons nyo hahahahha.

  8. ガイアと本部が強いのマジで納得いかん。

  9. 「この勝負の勝ち負けを決めるのはアンタではない」

    範馬 ( `皿´)

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