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  1. Saying that God controls the waves is a reference to the universe having laws. The laws of physics are the order within the chaos in the universer and nature. And Cannute saying that humans connot find paradise under God's rule is also a reference to christianity and how human nature goes against God's teachings. Killing is a sin and you can try to follow that command by not killing a person, but God also says that hating someone is "killing" them in your heart and it is impossible to not hate anyone in your life. Basically, however much you try to build paradise by following God's commandments, you will always fail because it goes against human nature. I could go on and on about how that problem is solved in the Bible because I have read it 4 times but this isnt that kind of discussion. Anyway, dope episode.

  2. You're watching Ping Pong? It's so damn good. One of my favourite sports anime

  3. 35:21 "There's so much that we can learn from history"

    As a Yang Wen-li profile pic I approve. But seriously, the more I learn about history the more I want to learn. It's so damn interesting and there's so much to know

    There's actually tons of history channels on youtube with hours upon hours of content

  4. I'm surprised you pronounced hnefatafl way better than I could. That's great. Wish I could speak properly, but I can't

  5. I was a bit skeptical at first with how little you reacted for a reaction channel but the analysis and note-taking is best the best thing Ive seen from a reaction channel.
    Well thought and interesting, finally a channel I can relate to about the philosophy of shows. subbed!

  6. I wish they had done a flash back to thorfinn realizing thors saved all those lives, inlcuding himself, thanks to avoiding a reckless fight against askelad and his men

  7. This was by far the best episode by far the anime has done such an amazing job of elevating the manga to even higher highs than in the manga. Also ur cat is so cute with the little cone over his/her head!

  8. This is what i love about Vinland saga, it takes its major themes extremely seriously. Normally anime would just be all like we can end all wars and slavery with the power of friendship! But Vinland saga accepts the realities of the world and try’s to uncover the actual answer to these problems. It keeps me on the edge of my seat, i want to know what thorfinns answer to achieving lasting peace is. It’s an issue that doesnt have a clear cut answer and this anime treats it as such an issue even tho as a fictional story it could just cook up some fictional answer to the fictional problem instead it try’s to find the real answer.

  9. Thorfinn thinks the best way to escape from war and viking traditions like slavery is running away to a land far away from them. Canute thinks that if he becomes the leader of the vikings he can change them little by little and end their traditions. But first, Canute needs to earn their respect, and that is through war. But Thorfinn just earned their respect by peaceful means. How can you act with mercy and be a pacifist without showing weakness? I think the answer to that question is what being a true warrior means. And however finds the answer will become a great leader.

  10. lol i pressed around 10 times around the vid and none of the video is playing

  11. I disagree that "no enemies" is a spiritual thing. Sure we have conflicts but that doesn't make them your enemy. Has nothing to do if someone is good or bad. Look at this thorfin scene, these vikings are worse than the rapists you mention.

  12. Your views and opinions of this episode, it's amazing really , I feel noone dares to put so much extra effort into analysing the philosophies to such depth , making notes , explaining to the audience as well as naturally reacting , it's amazing really @Animaechan

  13. I astral projected once, and it seemed like we really do all come here from one source, and that we all seem to live out lives on earth for each our own reasons. Life was almost equivalent to a addicting game. I am not saying that all of this is true or real, I am just saying that's what things seemed like while having that experience. The whole astral projection experience could very well just be a extremely real and convincing illusion, and nothing more then that. You guys make what you want out of this info.

  14. This entire episode of Vinland Saga was just incredible. It's quite possibly the best episode I've seen of any anime in this entire spring season. Almost everything in this episode was great in my opinion.

    – The Vikings even Drott (who later apologised) having respect for Thorfinn as a true warrior.

    – Thorfinn finally saying the words his father Thors (and even us viewers) wanted him to say and believe in all this time.

    – Olmar admiring Thorfinn's determination and strength to fight for Ketil's farm without any violence.

    – Einar showing us the pain of an average person getting caught in the violence caused by ideals of people like Canute.

    – Canute's revealing his true ideals on how he will make his version of "Paradise" on earth.

  15. I fully agree on the paradise part I also thought alright Knut wants to make a place where as many people are happy but he can't control their happiness. You can at most provide a mean but at the end of the day people are still free and some will not choose how you'd like them to

  16. It would be a dangerous position to side with Canute here even if he does all this to abolish slavery. Look how the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of "liberty democracy and women's rights" (in reality they invaded for oil and money but that's another topic) in a war that killed millions of people, and now these countries are in shambles and most of their people curse the americans, like Einar curses Canute here.

  17. I agree with your take on having no enemies. It's really commendable for Thorfinn, from his Father, taking on such a mindset and way of life. I love it but I sadly find it so hopeless in the world we live in, & I feel that for him, holding up such a belief for the rest of his life would be near impossible, especially in that period of time. It's a very welcoming perspective, something I just wish everyone could understand. But that's why I am so drawn to this season, and our MC who will no doubt have this philosophy continously challenged from here on forward.

  18. Torfin's ideas are very difficult to put into practice in the real world. But at the same time, it is a very important idea.

  19. Canute was once a formidable foe at talk no jutsu and possibly as strong as naruto himself hence it made him king, seeing certain lines and how ppl already now but as expected stating him as true warrior and now thorfinn becomes a true protagonist, a warrior and will dethrone canute in talk no jutsu DATTEBAYO!

  20. It was obvious from the beginning that Eran was going to destroy the world it was foreshadowed in Aot Season 1 ep 24 when Eran went Berserk and Said I will destroy this entire world and I am free.

  21. this is the first video I am watching on your channel, and youve got me subscribed, you seem reasonable! keep it up lad

  22. Every point you make is spot on, deciphering all the key subjects in this series and inputing your own thoughtful interpretation and viewpoint. I really am impressed with your knowledge and comprehensive skills throughout this season. I only really comment anything on Youtube if it's in counter argument, but I haven't made a single comment on your videos. Basically, you're awesome lol, it's been a delight.

  23. My reading on the whole "I don't have any enemies" is more about not having a reason to hate someone you don't even know, he already said he just met with the soldiers today, that they barely know anything about each other. I don't think Thorfinn is against the idea of hating someone who does harm to you or a loved one, but you must try to understand someone before reaching the conclusion you hate him.

    Canute has a reason to hate Olmar/Thorgil, because they killed their men, but Canute (in Thorfinn's philosophy) should just hate Olmar and Thorgil, and not involve innocent people in their fight.

  24. Here's what I took from Canute's speech. I think it can be understood as the season 1 episode 'Out of the cradle' sets our premises and this episode gives Canutes conclusions.

    From that episode we understand that due to the first sin humans have been cast out of paradise unable to ever return no matter how many of gods trials are placed in front of them. The vikings in Canutes opinion are the people futherest from love, both gods love (and thus the most abandoned) but also in their ability to show love to all people since they exist in a world where there are always enemies. In this episode canute says himself that people can be defined as those who wonder lost and commit sin, a direct consequence of the expulsion from Eden and abandonment by god (Also a very thomas hobs world view). In order to save this group of people he belives he has to become the strongest of the Vikings to conqure the conquers and unite the abandoned. This choice is the act of rebellion against god. To give a home to the people he abandoned. If he can take control of them and he is strong enough to enforce his values on them he can change them and lead them away from sin. Canute has already shown himself to be ruthless in this regard. In episode 5 we see him order the beheading and displaying of the vikings who decide to pillage Mercia and look for girls to sell. Aptly that epsiode is titled 'Path of blood' as canute is decending into the same hell thorfin envisioned in episode 9 in order take control of those who represent the worst in humanity and take them elsewhere. Thorfin on the other hand was determined to pull himself out of that place along with the souls of all those he had killed. This is where things get a little strange. In many ways what Canute is doing is more selfless than thorfins approach. Thorfin is being better to save his own soul and attempting to reconcile the effects those evil people have on the world we live in. Canute on the other hand is attempting to address the issue at the cause by taking control of those evil people and he is will willing to abondon his own soul to do it, after all he doesnt need it if he is going to rebel against god in the first place. As he said himself it is the duty of a king to give meaning to their battels and teach them when they must fight and aginst whom. The vikings under Canutes control are fighting for a greater purpose though they dont know it themselves he is making them fight towards their own destruction by placing them in battles that slowly wither away at the culture that has kept them trapped in such sinful behaviour in the first place. But that process is a slow and gradual one and I think Canute knows that. That being said it is also clear how this rebellion against god is an analogy for Lucifer the same way Thorfins behaviour is an analogy for Christ. The writing here is just in a completely different world. I also appreciate how Canute is completely lucid in this ambition, it is an admirable goal. This might be my favourite writing for an anti-hero ever.

  25. what is this even lol…… i think i have heard same thing about peoples opinions like 4 times what happened in this show….. welll anyway

  26. If you turn back to S1's first eps you'll see Thors telling Thorffinn that he has no enemies and then you'll realize that it took too long but our boy learned the lesson.

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