OMG HE SAID IT!! THORFINN SAID THOSE WORDS THAT THORS SAID TO HIM ALL THAT TIME AGO AT THE VERY BEGINNING!!! I can’t believe it. I never expected those words to be brought back and with so much power and conviction behind them. Thorfinn is an absolute legend. And following that, taking 100 hits and being acknowledged as a true warrior, he reunited with Canute. It didn’t really go the way he wanted though…Canute isn’t backing down with his “new” mission

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  1. I recommend you golden kamuy it's a Japanese style western about a hunt for gold one of the best seinen stories

  2. I think how the author shows the vikings with Thorfinn is amazing. At first they think he's a joke and something to play with because they believe he's just a slave acting up, but you can see once Thorfinn shows his resolve and he makes it till the end no one is laughing or cracking jokes anymore, they're all solemn with respect they hold for him now as a warrior. So it's not that they feel nothing because they definitely feel respect for him at the end. For vikings the only thing that mattered is strength and this episode is pretty much paramount to that with Canute's speech.

  3. Thorfinn really elevated himself to the top tier of protagonists.

  4. If thorfinn knew jiujitsu then he would just neutralize his enemy without any violence by not getting beat up that much.

  5. I love how realistic these characters are & feel, because Einar made the most sense, but how does one change people cultured in war?

    Thorfinn is making up for his sins as someone who's been both Viking & a slave, Einar is a victim of two kings and Canute is rebelling at the idea of humans suffering through trials & temptations before getting to paradise… he has the power to do something.

    Canute is rebelling against "God", for me that always spelled "god complex". Askeladd chose to swear his fealty towards Canute, because he wasn't going take lives unnecessarily… but lives would be lost nonetheless and Canute is attempting to build something no Viking has ever attempted and like Thorfinn & Einar realized theirs is "…but a dream" at this point.

  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Askeladd hated the vikings because they were brainless brutes, but Canute made it his own goal of saving the vikings from that life, is what I got from it. That's why he's against looting and razing villages.

  7. manga panel was better they should of put thorfinn more beaten up like in the manga but it was cool overall

  8. Fun fact. Karlsefni as a name means “the makings of a man” take that however you’d like too.

  9. This episode was amazing from start to finish, the highlight of our weeks you right and not many animes have that power. Nice reaction btw

  10. I dont think u understand Canute very well. He isnt a coward or a power hungry tyrant. He and Thorfinn actually share the same goal: To create a paradise rid of war and slavery. But their means are completely opposite. Thorfinn will reject violence while Canute will kill innocents, be it for the same goal. I think theyre both as respectable as eachother, even though they are both in eachothers way of said goal.

    I do disagree with Canutes means however. Thorfinns pacifistic ideology is by far much better then Canutes ruthlessness. But we live in different times as they did. And back then when killing and slavery was so common, I think Canute can be forgiven due to his overall motive of a better world

  11. "Are you guys not disgusted? Do you feel nothing?"

    Them reacting nothing more than what they do at the final moments of Thorfinn getting punched shows more emotion and respect for Thorfinn that they initially don't have towards him.
    That's why they're silent.

  12. Great reaction as always!!! And sorry if this comes to be considered spam, it is not my intention to disturb but… Mai, I'd like to recommend an anime for you to watch when you can (although it would be lovely if you reacted to it), seriously, it's a hidden gem with a deaf-mute protagonist as radiant as our Sunbeam Mob "Ousama Ranking" Trust me, you won't regret it.

  13. I told you a few episodes back it wasn't going to go well if Thorfinn and Canute met… So, OtakuMai. Why were you so intent on Canute and Thorinn to meeting???

  14. I love how even though everything Canute is saying pisses off Einar, what Thorfinn is seeing infront of him is creating a growing admiration and respect for Canute calling him incredible for having this vision of saving the vikings that never crossed Thorfinn's mind. I'm having flashbacks of Fate/Zero when Rider, Gilgamesh, and Saber had that banquet discussing their different POV's of what a king should be

  15. Man I'm gonna be so sad when this season ends, more so along with your reactions

  16. I feel Canute's statement of "Fighting God" doesn't necessarily mean in the literal sense. I believe he is trying to inculcate the good morals religion (in this case, Christianity) has to offer to the Vikings who weren't made aware of these things because of their barabaric nature and to change their mindset from being barabaric to affirm strength to that of a "TRUE WARRIOR" as stated by Thors. I believe that's what he means by "saving the Vikings." Saving the Vikings from this barabric lifestyle.

  17. Absolutely love what Thorfinn said.. "I can't hit someone when i'm trying to negotiate for peace."
    What a great message for all of those in this world believing personal attack would ever win an argument or starting a war can ever bring peace.
    Thorfinn Karlsefni, son of Thor is a true rolemodel from humanity.

  18. Yeah Canute has become obsessed with God to the point he’s started sidelining his original goal. Which he technically still wants to achieve but he’s like trying to oppose both god and achieve a paradise except now he’s willing to walk down a path of corpses. He’s in a weird limbo where he believes in god but also hates God. Did you notice how Thorfinn’s old voice slipped out when he started yelling at Drott?!? I love that little touch the VA has done a great job changing up to a softer chill voice for season 2! It kinda almost made you forget how he used to talk!!

  19. I had goosebumps the entire episode, i love thorfinn so much he's one of my favorite anime characters

  20. 12:00 They are far from disgusted. In norse warrior culture Thorfinn would be the epithome of valor and honor through that display of inner and outer strength. That's why they watch in silence, as a sign of respect and admiration.

  21. 12:00 That's a look of utter disbelief and deep admiration and respect in silence for Thorfinn they are showing

  22. Thorfinn is arguably The best viking protagonist in a Nordic based series even more cooler than Ragnar from Vikings!

  23. Thorfinn took almost 70 punches to the face and then was like "Y'all wanna be friends?"

    He truly is the greatest.

  24. what Canute means by saving the Vikings, he means save them from his way of life, not literally save them giving them resources or something

  25. do you plan to do any other animes in the channel? its been a while

  26. Poor Thorfinn got beaten up badly in the face , but I'm so proud of his courage and the man he is becoming. I get chills hearing Thorfinn say those words , " I have no enemies.". His eyes are like Thors now . Thorfinn is starting to reflect his father Thors and I couldn't be more happier. If only Thors and Askeladd were here to see Thorfinn now.

  27. Einar and Thorfinn's brotherly bond warms my heart. Einar really is Thorfinn's long lost brother. I know they aren't related in anyway but that's what it feels like. Brotherhood. A bond deeper than friendship. They feel like family .

  28. @OtakuMai Please don't watch the scene after the credits. There are big spoilers

  29. I would say its how they lived that determined Canute's violence. He wanted a larger army to control other lands then create peace later. He cant afford this army consisting of almost all the vikings, so he needs to steal farm lands from many nobles. Then with this terrifying force, he creates peace much later. People of the time were paranoid and lived in a might makes right world. Sadly, Canute isnt the only king to try this, it just creates more war and madness.

  30. Best dialogue in anime history, Thorfinn and Canute talk is one to send shivers down a person's spine.

    The conversation was on a whole another level to those around them to understand. Amazing.

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