Kotaro lives alone
Kotarou wa Hitorigurashi


  1. Omg YESS thank you! it's 9am in the morning and i'm already tearing up ahahha Thanks for posting and reading my previous comment!

  2. This is a pretty interesting and sad fact about shut-ins or suicides in Japan that end up dying: large amount of newspapers is what neighbors tend to notice first.

  3. Woooow the moment he said "i live alone", i cried. I know the meaning already n this is not my first short video of Kotaro. I'm too scared to watch the real anime

  4. 毎話毎話、自然と涙が出ます。言葉に表すのが難しいんですが、小さい子が本当に頑張って生きてるのに、何故現実は苦しめるのか…私だったら生きていけない。コタロー君は凄いなと思います。

  5. I guess I'm what you can call a "shut-in". I live alone and doesn't go outside unless needed but I'm really happy don't get me wrong but sometimes I think what if I die in my sleep, I don't want to bother my neighbors to clean after me.

  6. I finally realised what he mean by this,you may not know this but in japan when a newspaper pile up in their front door,it was the first People notice that something has happen to them or they might be dead.
    So when kotarou said "If you seen this newspaper pile up for 2 days, please check on me"It mean a sign of help from that delivers man to help him.
    I literally crying seen this scene.

  7. Im probably never gonna watch this anime in its entirety bc of how much I'll cry but whenever a clip is on my recommended i always click lol

  8. Kotaro: oh i did not know you can eat leaves its pretty much free food
    The newspapers are very informative

  9. The fact that his mother is dead makes this whole fact even more sad

  10. I'm having such a hard time suspending my disbelief for a child living alone and having his own lease. Maybe if I watch the actual show. . .

  11. That moment when u hear him say his mother's safe and not in the grievances 😭

  12. Just me who wonders why child protection services hasn’t come to pick him up yet, or is it a thing in Japan that they just let kids live alone and take care of themselves? 🤨

  13. Man, "kotaro lives alone" is such a sad anime like omg. I really can't go through one episode without crying. I hope they give kotaro a happy ending.

  14. I love how Kotaro also got worried that the newspaper guy was late maybe he thought something bad happened to him. I realized this after he explained to the guy about the arrangement of the newspaper at the end.

  15. もっともっと動画を見ていたいけども、今 コミックを読み始めたばかり 感動が薄れてしまうというか先の楽しみが8月には最終巻が出るとか 期待です。

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