Kotaro lives alone
Kotarou wa Hitorigurashi


  1. Swear to God this series… It's heart crunching every second. And then you get this bittersweet moments that hold it together

  2. after that..he go to the store and wait for all the people that helped him and thank them ..

  3. I know not much people would read my comment I would like the ones reading this please do not waste your whole life just watching YouTube videos try challenging yourself get out of your comfort zone and spend more time with your loved ones and don't regret being born into the world and remember love and cherish yourself and your friends more than anything

  4. Man Kotaro was forced to mature as such a young age
    I wonder how he will be like as an adult

  5. i believe one day, he will be a one fine mann, and have someone who love him more than he ever thought❤

  6. This anime is like Japanese chabo del ocho except that at least kotaro doesn’t live in a barrel on the streets and have resources survive but they are bother extremely sad stories about an orphan.

  7. I must’ve fallen asleep when I had this ep on. Wtf I love Kotaro so much 😭 the adults helping him make the bento was heartwarming.

  8. I need to stop watching these clips, I’m going to exhaust myself crying.

  9. I was wondering when and how the gut punch was coming, but I wasn't expecting this. Poor little man loves the bonding time over the presentation, I hope he finds more happiness soon.

  10. After watching the whole show, I realized that Kotaro really is just trying to find substitutions for his parents, as he doesn't want everyone to think he's a lonely kid with no one to care for him

  11. I hope this anime is become a picture a horrible reality and learn how pain character felling one child have carried a burden by himself and empty mine and no emotion

  12. I never realised how terrible it is to live without parents. Not just the basic supplements for growth but also every little detail that is emotionally necessary. Now i really feel lucky to have caring parents.

  13. Guess ill watch this anime …been years since i watched any but this will be the only one.

  14. I'm Kindergarten teacher. I love my kiddos and because of Kotaro I will pay more attention to them.

  15. I never wanted to give a fictional character a hug more than I have watching this. Kotaro is so damn precious ❤

  16. it will be sadder if his bento doesnt have anything on it, and he says this bento is made for ninja, you cant see it because its hiding

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