
Part 1:

Unlisted Twitch VOD (with commentary):
Like the earlier video, I re-recorded/spliced a few parts.

Here is the Part 2 of my BLOOD+ One Night Kiss Adventure Mode playthrough. Since I went through the introduction in Part 1, I can talk about each chapter here.

Opening (0:00)
Special menu:
The first option is the Encyclopedia, which unlocks after Aoyama 1 – 5PM. It shows the bosses in their human forms, and their Chiropteran forms afterward. The other two options are clothes viewers. These are only viewers; must change in-game. Because I’ve only finished half the game by this point, they’re naturally not complete yet.

Saya 6 – 12PM (4:53)
Saya Email Chain: Vol 7 is near the end of alley, close to Saburi Electronics.
Almost forgot it, had to sheepishly backtrack…
Saya Email Chain: Vol 6, when facing the fenced power station, go to the right side of it.
The twins give two variants of one uniform, hence why it looks like they seemingly give me the same uniform twice.

Aoyama 6 – 12:30PM (33:28)
Aoyama upgrades! In particular, my fire rate will increase dramatically.
Not mandatory, but the man in ZakaMart tells you about Aoyama’s combos (like Lewis does for Saya in the Hideout).
Side mission: don’t have to start at the center to remove flyers.
After the last flyer, I forgot that the email doesn’t trigger until you walk away from the street, hence why I double checked thinking I missed something.
Of course, Aoyama’s flourishes after each fight are priceless.

Saya 7 – 1AM (59:19)
Saya Email Chain: Vol 8 is on the crosswalk behind school.
I hope it’s not too confusing, but out of convenience, I got Vol 8 while doing the side mission. Interestingly, the game forces you to start the boss coming from the school, as the entrance from the apartments was closed (and presumably the park entrance was, too).

Aoyama 7 – 1:30AM (1:25:03)
Like before, you can start picking up leaflets from any section. The reward for this side mission is my favorite Y-shirt.
I finished Aoyama Email Chain in Part 1, but this chapter is the last chance to do it if you haven’t already.

Saya 8 – 2AM (1:44:35)
Saya Email Chain: Vol 9 is at the center of apartment complex, in the parking lot, near path to Apartment Building 5.
During the stream, I had an unusually hard time finding the email trigger, resulting in some ugly movement, so I spliced in new footage (and spliced out a break, too).

Aoyama 8 – 2:30AM (2:11:02)
One funny thing: Despite using the Killer7 art style, BLOOD+ is rated for a younger audience, resulting in the morbidly hilarious instance here of a regular person getting killed via a headshot with zero blood/gore.

Saya 9 – 3AM (2:29:15)
Saya Email Chain: Vol 5 is south of ZakaMart, into the next area, the construction with all the green lights, in the corner in the center.
Spliced/recovered from an almost-disastrous mistake. I neglected to get Vol 5 when it was first available (11PM), and only realized it when I had mostly finished 3AM. Fortunately, I confirmed that you can still trigger earlier volumes, so I was able to salvage this playthrough; I had yet to extensively test Saya Email Chain, so this was a learning experience (albeit stressful in the moment).
Saya Email Chain: Vol 10 is in front of the usable ZakaMart vending machine, after getting the rest of the volumes.
After Vol 10, you will get an email telling you about your reward, a new uniform. Since there’s no real prompt for it, it’s not really obvious that I got a new uniform, but I absolutely did (see the end of this video), and you don’t even have to read the email since it’s added to your inventory automatically.

Aoyama 9 – 4AM (2:59:32)

Saya 10 – 5AM (3:05:10)
Not too hard. Email mandatory at the end.
Spliced out a break after saving.

Aoyama 10 – 5:30AM (3:16:24)

Saya 11 – 6AM (3:24:15)
A melancholic final boss.
The credits show the in-game time at the end. Likely not accurate here due to my splicing.

Post-game (3:37:35)
Perfect Kiss (Hard) Mode is unlocked. The Encyclopedia now shows everything (including the final boss that was conveniently omitted before).
Clothes viewers:
Almost complete! Saya and Aoyama each get a new outfit. The last ???? for Saya is unlocked by beating Blue Mountain Mode (an unlockable boss rush mode).

And that’s my first online playthrough of BLOOD+ One Night Kiss down! When I started BLOOD+, I wasn’t sure what to expect besides “a little Killer7, a little proto-NMH1,” and I’ve come away thoroughly impressed by the game, flaws and all. BLOOD+ ONK is absolutely a Grasshopper Manufacture game through and through, and there’s more of it to come on my channel.

Action Mode Playthrough: [coming soon!]


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