Trigun Maximum vs Trigun Stampede vs Trigun 1998. This is the full comparison between each series.

Special thanks to @MrDarkLofi for the use of his Trigun Stampede Cover. Full song here:

And thanks to @TheOnlyDeerAlive for allowing creators to use his music. Full Orginal Trigun Opening song here:

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Disclaimer: This video is not for children under thirteen. It may contain, drug reference, suggestive themes, violence, but mainly drug reference.


  1. I really like Trigun.
    I first watched Stamped some weeks ago due to its cover, it called my atention. I really enojyed it and liked it so after hearing about the 98 Version I watched it. And after that I went to the Manga which I finished some days ago and it was so good!
    Personally I liked them in this order: Manga>>Stamped>>'98 Version.

    The only thing I genuinly disliked about Stamped was… Well… Knives basically forcing Vash to get their "sisters" preganant?? I know they are not Human… But They still Human Like 🫢
    Even before watching the other Version and Manga when I saw that I was like "Wah- 😵‍💫" and after everything, I find it even weirder… Idk what they are planing to do with that. Are we going to see Vash looking for His Kids in S2 or something? 😂

    Then, the only thing that still comfuses me from the Manga is Vash's hair. We are told their hair turn black after using all their energy ding afterwards… But Vash ended with his hair compleatly Black but didn't die… So what happened? His life span was only reduce to that of a normal human? Idk.

  2. 25:45 I don't think that's true actually. Conrad calls him Monev The Gale in episode 10. Also nice video, I'm sure it took a while to put together.

  3. Nice video! I loved it ^^ Btw since you mentioned the whole “knives and vash get black hair when they use their power too much” -thing, I think they could be hinting at doing that in Stampede too? If you pay some attention to the small details you can notice that (yeah vashs hair is always a darker tone of blonde compared to Nai’s BUT) during his childhood after Luida and Brad took him under and he and Brad travel so Vash can fix up all the plants, while at the beginning of the sequence he still has completely blonde hair, at the end of it and during his reunion with knives he suddenly has dark brown eyebrows and a messy brown undercut. I actually saw some other people having the same theory, even though I don’t think anyone made a video about it yet. Still, I do hope they are planning to do this since I honestly think it could cause some kind of nice/cute group bonding moments if the others start to question why exactly that happens to him. And ofc bc he looks cool with it xD hope you get my point

  4. Such an EXCELLENT and thorough commentary. I absolutely enjoyed it and find it a shame that there's not much, much more engagement as of the time of this writing. I finished Stampede after only vaguely remembering the 90s show and being wholly unfamiliar with the manga. Now, I have a much more comprehensive appreciation for what I experienced and a greater interest in the source material. In short, THANK YOU for making this. I truly enjoyed it and sincerely appreciate your artistry.

  5. Seeing people debate over which anime was closer to the manga all over made me really curious to see the differences between them all, so thanks for making the exact video I was hoping to see when I went searching – very thorough and well done!

  6. I wonder if it's because the anime end before manga is the turning point they change a lot of things in 1998
    specially wolfwood dead, I'd be interesting to see that couch scene animated but oh boi do i ready for tristampe wolfwood dead

  7. Thank you for covering my favorite series of all time 🙌 This was awesome

  8. I was so pissed of the manga ending i almost shit myself out of anger. But after i watched everything i understand why author did what they did
    The manga is about ideology
    The 98 anime is about Vash growing up from his ideology

  9. I did myself a favor, watching 98 before Stampede.

    Tristamp was sure as hell a piece of fine artwork, no complaints about that, but the story was sabotaged.
    Tristamp Vash was portrayed as the depressed wet cat who doesn't stand up for himself in a pacifism so intense it's almost idiotic.
    And don't get me started with how mad I got at weakly developed characters of Wolfwood, Legato and Livio. (they sabotaged the backstory of Vash and Knives…)
    All in all, manga wins it all for me. Knives was actually a very well developed villain and you could love him for that. Trimax Legato is my favorite, I like him despite the a-hole-ness. And the ending was magnificent.

  10. Thanks for this! I started watching the '98 anime around the time it came out and it alone had me loving Trigun up through this day, so I'm glad you point out how strong it was even given working with limited story details, etc.
    Speaking of the manga, while true that there are no overt romantic themes I'm noticing there are a lot of moments that infer a romantic bend to how some characters relate, especially Vash and Meryl. I was honestly (pleasantly) surprised! Easy to overlook if one likes, but also very THERE.
    As I take in all 3 versions I'm trying to enjoy each on their own merits and as just a different angle of the same story and characters I love – which is helping a lot – and videos like yours have been a fun way to indulge and gain some interesting perspectives I either hadn't considered or that I'm glad to have someone else point out. Thanks again!
    (PS – I too was a little distracted by "simyular/ simyularly", but found your explanation and chill about it a little charming, ha!)

  11. I'm happy to see trigun getting alot more recognition due to the new anime which means more videos about trigun are made 😊

  12. 10:55

    I'm not sure if I missinterpreted it while I read the manga but I thought Knives passed out from seeing Tesla and never fully got to process the trauma in the way Vash did, leaving him with a whole wrong view on the whole situation and humans in general

  13. I've been on a real Trigun kick lately, having watched Stampede, read the manga, and rewatched the '98 anime (I had already watched it nearly 5 years ago), so I've been dying to see a comparison like this. A lot of the thoughts in this video have also been ping-ponging around my own brain this past month. How everything compares, how it's different, what version does what aspect better, what in the fresh hell Stampede season 2 is going to do, etc.

    To answer your question at the end, I'd say the Trigun manga is my overall favourite. While I prefer a lot of the character set-up and comedy of '98, when it got down to the nitty-gritty of the plot, Trimax took the fucking cake. It was especially interesting to watch AFTER reading the manga, as this was my first time actually getting to watch a piece of media as an adaptation rather than on its own. Like, I could feel the difference between the two especially around the fifth moon incident, which was pretty cool in the anime, but made me positively FERAL in the manga. Oddly enough, '98 made me appreciate Trimax MORE.

    That's not to rag on '98, though. As I said, I really do appreciate what the anime did for the characters and the world over all, giving you a bit more time to bask in the general ~vibes~ of this world, and letting you get comfortable before beating your heart with a baseball bat. It also did a lot for Meryl and Milly which I quite liked, and even, to an extent, prefer over the manga. I feel like their characters are given a lot more time to shine, at least compared to the earlier parts of the story in the manga (I do agree they get kinda sidelined in the latter half of the anime, though, as much as I love episode 25). That being said, the manga just has so much MORE going on, and moments like Milly coming with Vash and Wolfwood to save Meryl, and the Vash and Meryl kiss-fist bump will live in my brain forever.

    I could go on about things I loved in the anime vs. things I loved in the manga. I honestly need to stop myself, otherwise I'll never finish writing this comment, haha!

    Also, with regards to Stampede, I'm reserving all overall thoughts on it until it's finished, as that seems only fair. That being said, it does have some of my favourite visuals, Knives' theme is GORGEOUS, and there is a certain satisfaction in seeing elements from the manga finally get animated that '98 never got to (e.g. Wolfwood's full backstory, Livio, Elendira, Tesla). I'm mainly just excited to see what it'll do in season 2. I desperatly want to see Milly finally appear, Stampede's take on the Eriks arc, and just… everything to do with the Earth fleet. If they adapt the end of the manga and the Ark, I will go apeshit.

    I will say, the only thing I disagree with in this video is Wolfwood's death in the anime being better than the manga. Granted, I think that may be up to personal taste on our parts. I prefer the manga because I felt it wrapped everything up about Wolfwood is a tragically bittersweet bow, while you mentioned that you prefered how unfairly tragic and regret-filled his death in the anime was. You also mentioned how his anime death covered the question of realism vs. idealism more prominantly, which, yeah, I kinda prefer too (Although, the manga does have that excellent scene after Rei-Dei's death, but that's not a conclusion to Wolfwood as a character, so I digress). While I prefer the manga version, I actually respect your opinion on that.

    That being said, his death in the manga made me WEEP and I will never be able to see two shot glasses or a white couch the same again. Thanks for the emotional damaged, Nightow!

    In conclusion, fantastic video. Trigun is such a wonderful series with so much going on, and if you have even more thoughts on it, I'd love to hear them!

  14. I love the og series but the comic is just a masterpiece. I think Stampede has a lot of potential but it’s kind of baffling that they went with something different when the source material is that good.

  15. I like Trigun Stampedes Vash as a more naive and sad version if they show us a contrast with the Vash after the July incident where he still has the same values but taking a more active role and you can tell he is just tired of lossing folks

  16. great analysis of all the variations! i have to say i am so excited to see where stampede goes from here, especially with Knives and Legato, I think Legato is such an interesting character in Maximum and shows a side of Knives that no other version has shown so far (him not killing him even though he's human and taking him under his wing). I'm hoping they give knives the rebirth arc, making him more pissed than ever at humanity.

  17. Wouldn’t say Knives repressed the memory of what happened. Quite the opposite he sat with it all by himself and decided he couldn’t trust Rem or any human. He completely closed himself off. Which is then in stampede what his cloak represents. It’s completely made of his own knives and covers him completely. It’s a physical and metaphorical shield

  18. i hate knives’ hoodie in trigun stampede, its ugly and it makes him look like a caterpillar. glad to see someone else hates it too. Fortunately, he gets rid of it but unfortunately, his final outfit is basically a scuba diver suit that makes him look like a thirst trap.

  19. The death of Wolfwood panel from the manga is hands down one of my favorite manga panels in history. It hits every emotion it needs to tell.

    So after actually finishing the video, Maximum is one of my favorite manga of all time with the anime being my number 1, including both versions. I gotta say as a whole the manga is definitely superior but Stampede is my personal favorite way of consumption for the story as Orange did such a phenomenal job. And even with the few grips I have with Stampede, the first half I still like more than the og. The OG anime is a solid show but has the weird paradox of being far worse after reading the manga but also that much better. Really excited to see what path Orange will take on the back half of Stampede

  20. I've been on this platform for a quite some time and every time I see once again an exceptional creator it's nice to sub along the journey. Keep going we know you are going places

  21. Could write a full story how they belittle the main character Bash in the Anime. If you want to talk about friendly fire. Which is what America gotten down to a tea. And disparaging the guy that saved these peoples life's. The other main characters have constant shot's at Bash. Then they show a scene where they having barking like a dog. Because that's what a bad guy would do for no reason ask you to strip down, get on all fours and bark like a dog. There's ways to make someone that has sentimentalities look like a complete fool and idiot and they did through and through in the anime. Anime can have it jokes but when it main jokes are at the expense of the main character that's pretty bad.

  22. I do find bit odd though. That you like the more tragic and preachy end to wolf. Its entertainment I dont want it to be perching me anything especially not from an anime that always has its agenda that just so lines up with the Elites so called inverse morals. Wolstein was killing people with a cross it was cool. He probs was kilning people that deserved it. In an a anime where everyone is shooting at eachother . How does he get the label a murder? Wolfstein gave as good as he got and he should feel bad for this. Crazy.

    You also like the female characters and wished they played a bigger part. How many times youtubers going say this. Its a action anime that has a good plot but for some reason the females need a bigger role in it. Can not deal with a male lead. Want to remove males out of action anime altogether and just have female acting like the hero. You youtubers have a very flimsy next to no excuse to say who should be getting a bigger part in anime. That just happens to women that often annoying and belittle's the main character.

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