【欢迎订阅】哔哩哔哩动画频道 https://bit.ly/animationMBB 一起追番~
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【年度巨献】7月国创导视 :https://youtu.be/2aKpXJZbLxg

简介:#时光代理人2 #LinkClick2

— #MadeByBilibili —


  1. omg omg omg this is amazing ^^ I think it's great for advertising… there should be more videos like this ^^ link click will reach larger audiences, I'm sure with this.

  2. Man that's cool….wouldn't mind seeing the series in 3D… feel more lively…

  3. Ajajndjdkaja I love them 😭💖 link click fr amazing to me, im so glad I found out about it ❤️

  4. THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!!! I love link click sooooo much and when you give us this content it makes my day 🩷🩷🩷🩷

  5. I love how at "Play it 'til the end and then reset" there is a shot of Lu Guang.
    Also the other two are shown front to the camera, while Lu Guang is always a mystery, turned away or hiding behind his hand🤩

  6. i always loved the 3D part they added after the op in season 2 so happy to see they did a full animations with the models <3

  7. Are we going to have 3D version or just make us excited 🤔
    Lu Guang's hair style…so handsome 😍

  8. the animation and art style is very similar to the svsss donghua! i wonder if they are done by the same people lol if anyone knows pls tell me😅

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