バキ! – Pickle is so strong, Can he help Baki defeat Yuujirou?
#バキ #baki

Weakened by the poison from his last battle, Baki Hanma finds himself on the verge of death with no salvation in sight. However, after Baki’s friend, Retsu Kaiou, brings him to China, he learns about the centurial Raitai Tournament, where the fiercest warriors fight to be crowned as the strongest martial artist in all of China.

As it is now allowing entry to foreigners, Baki is informed that he will have to compete in the tournament as it holds the cure to his illness. Unfortunately, Baki’s father, deemed the “Strongest Creature on Earth,” is participating too. Baki 2nd Season details the events of the grand Chinese tournament, as well as Baki’s encounter with the eccentric yet powerful Mohammad Alai Jr.


  1. ボクシングする烈海王、格好良い〜♪刃牙君に殴られて落ち込んで体育座りするピクルが可愛い〜♪史上最強の親子喧嘩、凄く面白い〜♪

  2. i can see you had to do some wonky editing and add in some random music to beat the algorithm. i enjoyed the fights. thanks for the effort!

  3. Bruttissimo anime, tutti i personaggi danno colpi seri e si rompono mani e piedi, il protagonista invece terrorizza facendo le pose e appaiono gli ologrammi dei dinosauri 😅… pessimo… secondo me la gente se lo fa piacere a forza perchè sembra roba per tipi tosti, in realtà fa schifo ….

  4. 1:08:26 swear to god true fans be all about it! Nobody cares about making it to work in the morning! Bruh, "father and son" are getting down, and i need to be there!!

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