Minha versão de A Certain Romance do Arctic Monkeys, misturada com Étude No. 1 do Villa-Lobos e produzida em forma de Lo-Fi.

PS: Sim, me inspirei no canal Ogeid, pra quem não conhece fica aqui a recomendação:

— Song
∎ Name: A Certain Romance
∎ Artist: Arctic Monkeys
∎ Album: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not
∎ Writer: Alex Turner
∎ Version: Leo Fazio

— Video
∎ Anime/Film: Ocean Waves (海がきこえる)
∎ Director: Tomomi Mochizuki (望月 智充)
∎ Studio: Studio Ghibli
∎ Year: 1993

Produced and edited by Leo Fazio
The image and audio rights used in this video are respectively from its creators. This video is not monetized, if by chance an advertisement appears here is by youtube’s own selection.

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.