▼Streaming / DL

Arrangement:Numa / Zingai
Music Video Director : Mariyasu

◆MV credit【meme】


ConceptArt/BackgroundArt /ColorScript
Imari Ozaki


produced by Eve

『映画 マイホームヒーロー』主題歌

▼ Inst & Lyric DL


穿って 穿って不可解な衝動
荒んで 荒んで 予測不可能な回答

曜日すら分かってない 今日を生きぬくことで痛いくらい

言葉で伝えても 交わることはない
異を唱えても 正義とか悪だとか
主観でしか はかれないもんなら
心外とか言われようが 自分でいられる場所なんだ
勘違いしないで 心見失わないで

君を知りたいよ 善悪もない境界線へ
このままじゃ がらんどうのままだ 満たされないこの街で

起死回生 そう最後だ 盤上の一手
歯食いしばって ただ足掻いて もう戻れない夜を
君と超えろ そうずっと繋いでいた 胸に秘めたの

満たしたんだ まだ終わっちゃいないぜ

しょうがないね 冗談だってわかっている
ぱっとしない将来の前に 重々承知わかっている
本音は性根が腐ってんだ 不幸を願っている

胸を打つ 憑りつかれた言葉

祈っていた まだ繋いでいた 夢にみてたの

満たしたんだ まだ終わっちゃいないぜ

宝石のように輝く 奪われることない光を

起死回生 そう最後だ 盤上の一手
歯食いしばって ただ足掻いて もう戻れない夜を
君と超えろ そうずっと繋いでいた 胸に秘めたの

満たしたんだ まだ終わっちゃいないぜ


  1. 3:08からのフラッシュバック

  2. I think english captions are off-timed – they start too early during the intro sequence and need to be delayed further until the music actually starts

  3. 最後、救急車で運ばれる時人外さんのこと思い出して安心して眠れたのかな…?

  4. I see why you want us to go back to the fight song I seen him that guy with the 3 eyes so everyone don't know why what I'm talking this video the monsters with the 3 eyes he on the fight song wow that amazing I guess he didn't die yet

  5. Hi! I absolutely love this song and video… but if you ever have a moment, could you re-sync the closed captions? I would really appreciate it. Thank you for all the hard work.

  6. 前半に今回のZINGAI(クリーピーパスタ)が淵くんの横で目を閉じたまま立ってるのがめちゃ良い…そして幼少期の淵くんが目を覚ましてからZINGAIも動き出すの最高すぎる💯

  7. 別の曲と世界線同じだったり知ってるモチーフが出てきてテンション上がった

  8. Here's my take on it however; I will preface that in the MV Fight Song it is revealed that this is a film of sorts and therefore this isn't necessarily "real" and they are actors and i also have not read the manga so this will only be based on the MV's storyline.

    In "How To Eat Life" we see a cycle of events, in which seem to be Tobi, a "human" in the monster realm who is poor/homeless and in search of the meaning of his existence beyond just surviving. He is described as, "A backpacker, who is searching for something missing" Seen as a monster and separated from society, but still very hungry for "a hand to hold, because I don't know the warmth of it at all". Despite that, there is a demon watching after him who takes care of him however whenever the demon is shown, Tobi cannot see it, "Even if I were to get hopeful over sudden happenings​ you wouldn't appear at all" he even explains that he's tried to summon the demon via magic words. When it doesn't work he says "But I'm still anxiously waiting for its return​" meaning he can't see this demon all the time, or when he truly needs them. He alludes that he's running out of time and multiple times we see him within the imagery of the dragon chasing him. Showing either he is that dragon or paralleled to that dragon entirely. He's shown to be poor and hungry via him looking through trashcans for food and shows that society itself has eaten him, which at the end he says "Find me, before I eat myself" and it ends with him eating the dragon with the demon who helped take it down by his side.

    In the continuation, "Fight Song" we see that emerging from the dragon carcass is a child whom which Tobi takes in and tries to rescue. It shows that she, the dragon, reincarnates and it used over and over again. Tobi seems to want to break this cycle of events that seems to transpire over and over again. Which is the exploit and neglect of children and tries to save her, while the demon society who took her tries to get her back. It isn't until Tobi is in the fight that she remembers her past life, she too had tried to stand up to the other monsters and was in turned beheaded. Until Tobi went and saved her.

    Again, there's this parallel between him and her where in "How To Eat Life" It shows Tobi as that beheaded dragon and from time to time his eyes flicker to that orange glow of the dragon, which matches the little girls. They both break from the cycle and end up together.

    In the next part, "INSOMNIA" we again see another child who was abused and neglected as he has burn marks on his face and hands, saved by a demon who continues to watch over him yet he cannot see. In the beginning of the MV we see Tobi tries to call him, which he ignores. We also see that he's seeing doctors and taking daily medications and seems to see things that others do not. My theory is that, unlike Tobi, Fuchi was left in the human world and watched over. I think that seeing the death of his father which was seen as a suicide had him heavily medicated as when humans turn a certain age they are unable to see the Demons anymore– Or made to forget –that seem to attach itself to them. It also shows that they do not appear on CCTV or anyone else's perspective when the scene of them driving the car shows up again it shows the car is empty. So from an outsiders perspective he is insane and seeing things which he tries to keep away but ends up going mad anyway. Throughout the song Fuchi says "I hope we meet in the right world" alluding that there is a demon realm (people were theorizing that it's all in his head however we know that's not true based off the previous MV's and the fact that Tobi exists).

    Fuchi also says, "My true feelings are rotten to the core, wishing for unhappiness" and that "in a night where there's no turning back" he feels guilt as if he wishes that night never happened so he could've been "happy" however he also explains that he feels no guilt at all for it, "I don't understand myself. A whimsical and inexplicable fate". I feel that despite being saved and wanting to be in the world where he "belongs" and being with the demons, he also doesn't think he deserves to be happy at all. Instead the song shows him slowly going insane and not forgiving his childhood self, he embraces his childlike nature. Which leads to the accident in which he ends up in jail, face to face with Tobi. Abused children more often than not blame themselves, Fuchi could have blamed himself for his fathers death and then seen himself as an insane person who deserved to die instead. It seemed to me that he accepted himself and forgave himself of that guilt which never should have burdened themselves on his shoulders, once he embraces his child self he accepts his fate and says, "Climbing out of the depths of hell. Or even now, offering a flower of hope to the future… It filled me up, it's not over yet"

    So it begs the question are all the children being used for something in the other world? It shows that Demons indeed care for humans as we see Tobi is being watched over and so is Fuchi. Both in the same predicament of children in need of a parental figure, which seems to lead Tobi to want to do the same. He wants to stop this cycle and save others just like him, which is why he saves the Dragon Girl; there's a flashback to him as a child next to trashcans searching for food where it parallels her, all alone in an alleyway. But instead of a demon taking her in, he decides to take her in himself. The three characters all have Golden Eyes at some point which show they are all the same or connected in some way. However where Tobi ventured to the demon realm, Fuchi was left in the human world so I wonder if it was purposeful for his safety to be left in the human world. Where Tobi was in more danger being the demon realm and heavily watched over.

    All of them are connected in this way of being shown as outcasts, monsters, with the color orange separating them from the rest. I think a huge part of the story is the theme of breaking the cycle of generational trauma and childhood neglect. Both Fuchi and Tobi seem to possess the power of time manipulation as we see some parts of the story repeat or replay in another section. None of it is linear until it reaches a certain peak. But I do think that they're trying to band up and break this cycle and be there for one another in a world where they are not cared for.

    It sort of shows that, "What would've happened if someone just cared about me once" where we see these characters being deeply cared for by these creatures who are shown time and time again to not have the capacity to do so. Sadly, again they seem to lose the ability to be seen or cared for so openly. Now just a memory in their childhood of "an imaginary person who cared for me". They'll never truly know how much they were cared for, but it's better now that they have each other.

    to the animators living in eve's basement, PLEASE I WANT AN ANIME FOR THIS IM BEGGING YOU P L E A S E –

  10. 번역 밀리는 거 어떻게 제대로 하나요?ㅠ 제가 할 수 없는 영역일까요?

  11. 高学年の息子もいて、お腹に4ヶ月の赤ちゃんいるけど離婚したくて真剣に悩んでる…いつもEveの曲聴いてなんとか保ってます( ´•ω•`)いつも素敵な作品、作曲ありがとうございます😭


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