
If you enjoy my streams, it would mean the world to me if you would comment, like, and subscribe to my channel and follow my X/Twitter 💜



Chat Rules:
・Please respect each other and play nice🥰
・Please keep comments to EN/JA/CN
・Please keep comments relevant to stream
(for off topic chats, please kindly do so privately between each other)
・Do not abuse the celestial maiden!


💜Hashi Tags💜
♥ 総合タグ/General: #七夜月 #Nanayozuki
♥ FA: (一緒に考えましょう! Let’s think of it together!)
♥ 配信タグ/Stream Tag: #天女配信 (一緒に考えましょう! Let’s think of it together!)
♥ ファンマーク/Fan Emoji: 🌙🌌

Special Thanks: Just Chatting & ED bgm by https://www.youtube.com/@okar_rina

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