Gamera is a giant flying turtle kaiju who first appeared in the 1965 Daiei film Gamera the Giant Monster.

In his first onscreen appearance, Gamera was an ancient creature disturbed from his rest under the Arctic ice by a nuclear blast. Gamera came to Japan and rampaged across the nation, but was trapped inside a rocket and launched into space on a one-way trip to Mars. In the next film, Gamera vs. Barugon, after the rocket carrying him to Mars was struck by a meteor, causing an explosion that destroyed the rocket and freed him, Gamera returned to Earth, where he battled the monster Barugon.

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  1. I don't know Gamera completely, but I prefer the way how it flies in previous movies compared to the Netflix version. Leaving that aside, I hope Gamera becomes more popular, so it can be introduced in future movies and be recognised as the powerful Kaiju it is. 🔥🐢🌀

  2. This would have been a lot better if it was actual anime series instead of being a terrible-looking 3D shell shaded animated series. Plus the series pretty much confirms you never trust a chick.

  3. camera peaked in revenge of iris and the heisei era everything after that is just trash or a pale imitation.

    somehow the people that make this shit don't seem to get it and have been bumble fucking the license for years

    but honestly no matter how shit the new releases are or how disappointing they are at least the heist trillogy exists in the first place
    someone who once directed porn made a better fucking film so good it arguably is better and more well written then every single Godzilla movie bar the original

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