Orb: On the Movements of the Earth / チ。―地球の運動について― | 本PV

The story of those who risked their lives to prove the Heliocentric theory “Chi.” ―About the movement of the earth – “TV anime is broadcast start from 2024/10/5 (Sat) 11:45 pm on NHK General TV!The first episode is scheduled to broadcast 1 episode, 2 episodes continuously!
Global streaming on Netflix and free streaming on ABEMA will also be decided!
In this PV, OP song and theme song Sakanaction “Kaiju”, part of the music of ED song Yorushika “Aporia” will be released for the first time!

In fifteenth-century Europe, heretics are being burned at the stake. Rafal, a brilliant young man, is expected to enter university at an early age and study the era’s most important field, theology. But Rafal values Reason above all else, which leads him both to the shocking conclusion that the Earth orbits the Sun, and into the hands of the Inquisition!

A decade later, two members of the Watch Guild, the dour young Oczy and the cynical Gras, find a hidden stone chest that details the secrets of the universe Rafal left behind. Dare they try to change their own stars by selling the heretical texts, or would that only lead to the stake and the fire?

Fish Feng”Chi. ― About the movement of the Earth-”
(Published by Shogakukan “Big Spirits Comics”)

Rafal: Maaya Sakamoto 
Novak: Kenjiro Tsuda
Hubert: Fast water encouragement
Oczy: Katsuyuki Konishi
Badeni: Yuichi Nakamura
Yorenta: Saya Nishimi

Director: Kenichi Shimizu
Series composition: Shingo Irie
Music: Kensuke USHIO
Sound Director: Kisuke KOIZUMI

Opening Song /Theme Song: Sakanaction “Kaiju”
Ending song: Yorsika “Aporia”
Animation: Madhouse



© Uotoyo/Shogakukan/Chi. —About the Movement of the Earth – Production committee

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