Best to worst player in Ubers in Neo Egoist League Who plays with Baro in Blue Lock season 3?
Hi, the video explains the player in Ubers in the Neo Egoist League in Blue Lock. The characters after Blue Lock Eleven vs U20 Japan ranked from best to worst player in the manga after the end of the Neo Egoist League.
00:00 Best 5 player in Bastard München (Snuffy, Lorenzo, Baro, Aiku, Aryu)
00:13 Starting team lineup (Niko, Drago, Peron, Sendo, Abdi, Rico, Canali)
00:51 Other characters (Fukaku, Ishikari, Shiguma, Tanaka)
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DMD Timeline:
#bluelock #yoichiisagi #bluelockanime #bluelockvsu20japan #manga #anime #newanime #dmdtimeline #season3 #explained #facts #shorts #powerlevel #explained #kurokonobasket #princeoftennis #ブルーロック #footballanime #sportanime #haikyuu
Hi, I have prepared a list and rating of players from the Ubers team for you, because this team has already played all the matches and the Neo Egoist League has ended. If you have a different opinion on the perfomance, I would be happy to read it in the comments. I will also be happy for every like or comment if you liked the video. Thank you.
What is that picture of Barou lmao
My fav don lorenzo
Yo good ranking, but Sendou on number 9 is too low, I mean he even scored a goal. He should be at 7