Bye Bye Earth season 2 anime trailer | ばいばい、アース – アニメトレーラー PV

In a society of people with animal characteristics, Belle Lablac stands out as the only person with no animal features at all. Curious of her origins, Belle leaves her hometown and heads to the city of Schubertland to be awarded the status of Nomad by Schubertland’s ruler, King Rawhide. Through the journey, she is trained by the legendary swordsman Sian Lablac.

Unfortunately for Belle, through a complication, she is unable to hurt others with her legendary sword Runding. The only choice to best her opponents in battle now is to break their swords, which is heavily looked down upon. Though ostracized for her appearance and hated for her disregard of societal norms, Belle stays resolute as she sets off on a perilous journey to find her rightful place in the world

Release date 4 April 2025

Source: Light novel
Writer: Tow Ubukata
Illustrater: Yoshitaka Amano
Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten
Producers: Sony Pictures Entertainment, WOWOW, Crunchyroll, IRMA LA DOUCE
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Theme: Anthropomorphic

Based on the novel by Tow Ubukata, Yasuto Nishikata (Hortensia SAGA) directs Bye Bye, Earth at studio LIDEN FILMS, with series composition by Hiroyuki Yoshino (Strike the Blood), character designs by Yuki Hino and music by Kevin Penkin (Tower of God).

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Bye Bye Earth,
Bye Bye Earth season 2,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 anime trailer,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 official Trailer,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 main trailer,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 manga,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 episode 1,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 ep1,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 light novel,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 op,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 ed,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 opening,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 ending,
Bye Bye Earth season 2 anime Release date,
Bai Bai, Āsu,
Bai Bai Asu,
Bai Bai Asu anime trailer,
ばいばい、アース – アニメトレーラー,

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