Darker Than Black is an anime series that premiered April 5th 2007 in Japan. It’s about main protagonist Hei aka Li Shengshun aka BK-201 aka The Black Reaper or as some people like to call him Chinese Electric Batman. Unlike Batman though Hei isn’t afraid to kill. Hei works for a group called the Syndicate accepting various jobs usually involving fighting Contractors people with powers who usually have to pay a price to use them. It can range from eating flowers, breaking your fingers or even folding origami.

S1 is Episodic while S2 follows its own little diverging path. S1 was composed by Yoko Kanno and S2 was composed by Mr. Ishii. S1 is more Jazzy while S2 is more Rock & Techno-ish. Both are amazing in their own ways. I’ve seen a tiny bit of DTB S1 & S2 on Hulu back around 2013 I thought it was alright. If you want to know a bit more about DTB check out Lathan Crowe’s hilarious review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFptbNavRDw

0:00 – Go Dark

3:13 – Keiyakusha

6:46 – Water Forest

8:55 – Sid

10:56 – Guy

12:57 – Blend In

16:05 – Deadly Work

19:39 – Total Eclipse

23:00 – Sesshoku

25:26 – Super Kuro

27:59 – Blue Cat

31:04 – Scat Cat

33:14 – M25-3

35:54 – Shidou

~ Ryuusei No Gemini S2 ~

39:07 – Savage Dog Cerberus

42:48 – Karura’s Flame

46:00 – No. 23.

49:43 – Lightning Flash Poem

52:02 – Dive Into The 9

55:54 – The End

59:15 – Credit Where Credit Is Due

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.