Blood Lad’s first ED, BLOODY HOLIC, released by Yuuka Nanri on Wednesday, August 7th, 2013.

Arranged by Mushyrulez on Tuesday, August 6th, 2013.

Performed by Mushyrulez in Vancouver on Monday, August 12th, 2013.

Sheet music available on Sheethost:

WARNING: This is not a transcription! It’s an arrangement, and that makes all the difference.

It started off as a transcription, sure, but three seconds in I realized that I couldn’t apply my Kirby-transcribing skills (i.e. slowing the song down 200% and trying to write down every single note) because when you slow Japanese pop songs down, they sound like they’re being sung by 300-pound neckbeards in a crowded basement. Which is quite distracting, honestly.

So I stopped transcribing it and started arranging it instead. Which didn’t help much, as you can hear: the only uniquely Blood Lad passage is the desecrated melody 20 seconds from the end. Why?

Because arranging things is too fun.

To put it lightly, I got… a bit carried away. I blame Bach for those two canonic sections, I blame Bad technique for all the slips and complete bleh at the climax, and I blame Blood Lad for having such an unmemorable tune that I had to resort to this. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to transcriptions, though, even considering the… many dislikes I’ll get for not having a legit transcription of the song (though in my defence I did kinda transcribe the melody of one section??), so I’ve renamed all my transcriptions as arrangements. I’ve never gotten so musically engrossed (or… distracted) before! Stay tuned for whatever the next one is; hopefully it’s not as bleuuraaerugh

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.