Whirlwind! Iron Leaguer Longplay of 1P-mode
Player: FudgyDRS
Version: Japan

This is a single player platforming game based on the semi-popular anime Whirlwind! Iron Leaguer. This is the only game released based on this anime.

You play as the characters from the protagonist Iron Leaguer team silver castle as you fight your way through four levels to defeat the sinister Dark Organization.

there are four stages each with it’s unique style and boss battle. As you proceed through the game you unlock the other characters of Silver castle and must utilize their abilities to beat the game.

Magnum Ace (マグナムエース) Baseball Leaguer
Mach Windy (マッハウィンディ) Soccer Leaguer
Kiai Ryuken (キアイリュウケン) Karate Leaguer
Bull Armor (ブルアーマー) Football Leaguer
Jūrōta Kiwami (極 十郎太) Kendo Leaguer
Top Joy (トップジョイ) Basketball Leaguer
GZ (ジーゼット) Hockey Leaguer

Stage 1: 00:41
Stage 1 (Boss): 02:49
Stage 2: 03:55
Stage 2 (Boss): 07:09
Stage 3: 10:01
Stage 3 (Boss): 12:49
Stage 4: 15:37
Stage 4 (Boss): 19:53
Stage 5: 22:32
Stage 5 (Boss): 24:48

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