One at a time, the castaways have to go though a water obstacle course. Once all members made it across, they have to toss a grappling hook to grab a ring. The first team to snag all five rings wins reward.
Reward: Chocolate hut provided by Mars Chocolate.

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Livin’ on the Edge is the ninth episode of Survivor: Worlds Apart.
Challenge: O-Black Water
Winner: Blue Team (Dan Foley, Mike Holloway, Shirin Oskooi, Sierra Dawn Thomas, and Tyler Fredrickson)

O-Black Water is a recurring team challenge in Survivor. It first appeared in Survivor: Worlds Apart and reappeared in Survivor: Game Changers.

The castaways are divided into two teams of five. One at a time, each castaway will cross an obstacle course. Once all five members have completed the course, they will dive into the water for a grappling hook, which they will use to secure five rings. The first team to grab all their rings wins.

In Survivor: Worlds Apart, the teams were neck and neck at the grappling portion, but the blue team of Dan, Mike, Shirin, Sierra, and Tyler pulled ahead winning reward which was a feast of chocolate.

In Survivor: Game Changers, the blue team of Andrea, Aubrey, Brad, Debbie, and Sierra had a huge lead and won reward earning a picnic due to Cirie on the orange team having trouble getting across the balance beam. After the challenge was over, Jeff Probst and Cirie’s castmates all encouraged her to cross the balance beam, which she did earning a round of applause from everybody.

Sierra Dawn Thomas is the only person to compete in this challenge twice. She won both times she competed.
Both teams that won this challenge were the Blue Team.

Survivor: Worlds Apart, also known as Survivor: Worlds Apart — White Collar vs. Blue Collar vs. No Collar, is the thirtieth season of Survivor. The initial tribes were divided based on the economic/professional background of their members. To date, it has produced four returning players (Hali Ford, Joe Anglim, Shirin Oskooi, and Sierra Dawn Thomas) for subsequent seasons.
This season saw an abnormally high level of interpersonal strife between contestants. Major incidents included: the controversial invective that Will Sims II directed against Shirin; the misogynistic conduct of Rodney Lavoie Jr.; the fraught social standing of Dan Foley; the latter’s emotional conflict with Mike Holloway; Nina Poersch’s feelings of exclusion from her tribe based on her hearing impairment; and Jenn Brown’s withdrawal from the main social action of the game after the elimination of her friend, Hali. After an extended streak of Immunity Challenge victories, Mike won the title of Sole Survivor in a 6-1-1 jury vote over Will and Carolyn Rivera.

Tribe Division by Profession: The 18 castaways are divided according to their professions and approaches to life:
The Masaya (“White Collar”) tribe is made up of castaways who work in the corporate world with a degree of authority. They “make the rules.”
The Escameca​ (“Blue Collar”) tribe is made up of castaways who work on manual labor. They “follow the rules.”
The Nagarote​​ (“No Collar”) tribe is made up of castaways who are free spirits with passion-based occupations. They “break the rules.”
Hidden Immunity Idol: A Hidden Immunity Idol is hidden at each one of the tribe’s camps.
Tribe Leaders: At the beginning of the season, two people from each tribe would be chosen as “leaders” and would have to decide together between either receiving a large bag of beans or receiving a smaller bag of beans and a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol.[6]
Tribe Switch: On Day 12, a tribe switch occurred, simultaneously dissolving the Masaya tribe and mixing the castaways into two tribes of seven.
Early Merge: This season merged with twelve castaways in the game.
Extra Vote: A castaway would get the right to vote twice at the same Tribal Council. The intention of using the second vote should be voiced immediately after all the votes are cast and is valid until the final five.[7][8] It is at the voter’s discretion whether he would throw this vote away, vote for the same person twice, or vote another potential threat.
Expanded Jury and Final Three: Instead of the conventional Final Two facing the jury of seven, the Final Tribal Council was held with a Final Three facing an eight-person jury.

This season marks the first time since Survivor: Samoa that there have been three seasons in a row to feature…

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