From Toshio Matsumoto’s amazing Bara no Souretsu(薔薇の葬列).
I finally learnt how to cut scenes from movies. If this works I’ll upload the japanese trailer.

The conversation Eddie(Peter!!!) has with the others is as follows…

“Do you know it? ‘NHSMC.’ That’s Nihon Homosexual Men’s Club.”
“Where is it?”
“Minami-cho. There’s a party every week.”
“the members bring handsome boys.”
“A weekly reported it.”
“You’re wrong. That’s akasaka.”
“You mean the secret club for homosexuals/okama?”
“A lot of them.”
“But there are many pretenders, too.”
“They pretend to be ‘gay’.”
“I see… They can earn more money that way *turns to Eddie*.”
“Don’t look at us like that. We’re genuine ne~!”

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.