Bi Kyo Ran is a Japanese progressive rock band that has been around since 1973 but released their debut LP in 1982. Together with the follow-up that came out in 1983, you immediately get hold of their best albums. Later albums certainly have their moments but as a whole are less cohesive and come across as a bit fragmented.

In 2004 they released 2 soundtracks, namely from the Japanese cartoon series Cromartie High School. So here’s part 1, 23 songs are on it and it’s somewhere between progressive rock and indeed an original soundtrack 🙂


1 トラストミ – Part I (Trust Me – Part I)
2 街の光 (Citylight)
3 ジェントルマインド (Gentle Mind)
4 Higurashi
5 フレディのテーマ (Theme From Freddie)
6 激しいペールギュント (Hard Peer Gynt)
7 スクエアムーン (Square Moon)
8 Life On The Earth I
9 メカ沢ミニマル (Mechazawa Minimal)
10 もぐら (The Mole)
11 謎のブリッジ (Bridge)
12 プータンのテーマ (Theme From Pu-Tang)
13 トラストミ – Part II (Trust Me – Part II)
14 Go NorthWest Go
15 アフリカカリンバ (21st Century Of Africa Kalimba)
16 ピエロ (The Clown)
17 くもの糸 (The Webb)
18 Mechazawa Hi-Speed
19 即興 3 (Improvisation 3)
20 眠りの淵 (An Abyss Of The Sleep)
21 即興 1 (Improvisation 1)
22 祈り (Holy Night)
23 トラストミ – Part 3 (Trust Me – Part 3)

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.