Donald Trump continues to make outrageous and clearly false claims to the media, on his social media, and at his rallies, and all of these things can be used against him in court. As the likelihood of him facing criminal charges escalates, his legal team would love it if he would shut up and stop making things worse for him. But his inability to be controlled by lawyers is exactly what is keeping competent lawyers away from him, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Legal experts are still scratching their heads over Donald Trump’s truly bizarre appearance on Sean Han’s Fox news program last week, where he not only claimed that he could declassify documents with his mind, but also that maybe the FBI went down to Marla to find Hillary Clinton’s emails who knows. Right. Crazy things are happening. And I’m declassifying things with my brain. A claim that even Sean ha was like, um, not, not sure if that’s how that works, but alright, chief will let it, let it slide. But here’s the thing. Legal experts right now, as I said, scratching their heads because they understand something very important that Donald Trump needs to understand. And that is that you have a right to remain silent. And of course that doesn’t just apply when you’re being interrogated. It doesn’t just apply when the cops are arresting you, it applies in your everyday life because what Trump is doing, these legal experts tell us is loading up the prosecution with evidence specifically in that Sean nity interview.

When Trump says, oh, I can declassify things with my mind. Okay. But you’ve been claiming in the media for many months now that oh, no, you had already declassified. All of that. You’ve you’ve actually said you got a witness and Mr. K Patel has said, he’s a witness. So if, uh, if he’s a witness and he says, you did it, but you did it mentally with your mind and you didn’t say it out loud, that seems like that would make Mr. Patella liar. So let’s hope he doesn’t go and say that under oath, right? Because that’s gonna lead to some legal problems for your little children’s book through there. But more importantly, prosecutors are gonna be able to bring it up. If you ever face indictment and you’re sitting in front of a jury, I’m sure. They’ll say, Hey, Mr. President, Mr. Former president, tell these 12 people over here, how you declassify things with your brain and the jury’s gonna laugh.

Prosecution’s gonna laugh. The judge may even chuckle a bit and you’re gonna look like an idiot. and it’s not gonna help you at all. Right. You’re not gonna get any sympathy because everybody’s laughing at you. So again, you have a right to remain silent and you know, who would actually like to see you use that, right? Your lawyers. Because every time you go out there and say something stupid, like I can telepathically declassified documents, you’re making more work for your attorneys, right? They’re the ones that have to clean up these messes. They’re the ones that have to deal with this, but you don’t care. And of course your lawyers, aren’t gonna tell you to go and shut your mouth because that’s

Why, why they’re your lawyers in the first place, the good lawyers in this country, according to reports from a couple weeks ago, won’t take you as a client because you won’t listen to them when they tell you to shut your mouth. So you’re left with this gaggle of like cut rate lawyers. People who’ve never tried real criminal cases before. They’re not even gonna try to tell you to shut up because they don’t wanna get fired and lose all the fame that comes along with representing you. So they’re gonna let you continue digging your hole. And then when it’s all over, yeah, you’re gonna turn and blame them and sure.

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.