While Ian has written the story for Sonic Frontiers, he is not able to answer questions regarding the game at this time due to legal non-disclosure agreements with SEGA.

Check the Master Q&A spreadsheet to see if your question has already been answered in a previous episode: https://www.shorturl.at/vEGR6

Thanks to Daniel H. for sponsoring this episode! Check out Jayni’s GoFundMe here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/jayni-afford-genderaffirming-surgical-care

Patreon Perk – Jump to the Q&A: 2:48

End of Shows Links:
https://patreon.com/BumbleKast – Please support our Patreon!
https://ko-fi.com/BumbleKast – Or support us on Ko-Fi!
https://www.youtube.com/BumbleKingVideos/join – Join our channel!

Want to have your product promoted on the show? Check out the Patreon or contact us via email to find out how!

https://shop.spreadshirt.com/BumbleStore – Merchandise at the BumbleStore!

https://bumbleking.com – Ian’s website, BumbleKing Comics
https://twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC – Ian on Twitter

https://kngi.org – Kyle’s website, KNGI Network/Nitro Game Injection
https://twitter.com/KyleJCrb – Kyle on Twitter

https://bc.s3m.us – coda, BumbleKast theme composer
https://teelopesmusic.com – Tee Lopes, opening theme remix

Want to ask us a question? Ask at:
– contact@bumblekast.com
– On Twitter @BumbleKast
– Comments section on any YouTube video
– Patrons can post on Patreon page – https://patreon.com/bumblekast
– Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord

There are too many questions to list here, so go check out the Master List to find them: https://www.shorturl.at/vEGR6

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