

  1. しんすけさん、ありがとうございます♪

  2. 大谷さん!! 歓声が大きく嬉しくなります😊 さっぱりしたスターティングラインナップですが選手の顔が良く分かり自分にはありがたいです  UPありがとうございます🙇✨

  3. パドレスはお客さんも多いから大谷への声援も大きいですね!

  4. ペトコパーク!今回は大谷さんにとって色々と苦い思い出のある球場になりましたが大谷さんへの声援だけは何処にも負けない素晴らしいものでした!やはりファンは有り難いものですね!shinsukeさんUP有り難うございました!

  5. 大谷さんには、そっと見守りましよ     心身共にかなり疲れてます。
    外野から、期待かけすぎなんです。   少し時間を与えてあけましよ 新たな大谷さん、見えますよ  待ってあげまししよう  大谷さんのためにもね

  6. しんすけさんアップありがとうございます❤今日は試合無いのでとりわけ嬉しいです!大谷選手しっかり休めてると良いなぁ!明日も全力応援📣🔥👍

  7. 인기쟁이 타니😊
    타니 아프지마… 내 맘이 다 아프네😭😭

  8. 辛い3連戦でしたが この声援はすごく救いです‼️エンゼルスファン諦めないで応援しましょう📣📣📣

  9. Angel is tough situation now but Ohtani should focus on himself. He shouldn't listen to other people around him. People are judging only what they see and what they expect. Only Ohtani knows Ohtani himself very well. Ohtani must concentrate on his play and keep going straight forward now.. Don't look at and don't listen to others. Be more concentrate and Brave and be more aggressive and strong. Ohtani must have a GUT to WIN the crowded people To WIN his own Game. OHTANI FIGHTING !!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  10. 🍀今日はエンゼルスの試合無いので、ファンの皆様何してるんでしょうか?


    これは、ある人の、MLBの国技(国民的スポーツ・national sport)に復活(アメフト)、いや世界的なスポーツ(サッカー)









     現在大谷選手はMLBの命運握ってるようだ。また、南米出身のロナルド・ホセ・アクーニャ・ブランコ・ジュニア(Ronald José Acuña Blanco Jr.、 1997年12月18日 生まれ )オールスター投票で大谷選手上回った。メジャーの新たな歴史を作ろうとしているアクーニャJr.選手も。現在メジャーで一番高い勝率を誇るブレーブスの若きスーパースターに今後も注目が集まてます。これは北米でなく、南米出身ということに意義深い気がします。南米はサッカーが盛んな国がほとんどですから。(なお日本のグーグル検索すると、オールスター最多得票は必ず大谷翔平の名前が、ア・リーグの但し書きつきですが、私は違和感を感じました、そのうえ大差がついてるのに。)

     妄想にしてもこんな話をすると、「うまく利用されてる」とかいう1部日本人が発言するでしょう。でも大谷選手も、彼の大好きな野球を世界でメジャーなスポーツにしたいと思ってるので、逆に率先してPR役になるのは、「やぶさかではない」でしょう。そんな彼の努力の一例は、ちびっ子(little kid)たちへの対応でしょう。だから米国でも少しづつだが、17番のユニホーム着た、ちびっこ(little kid)が、本拠地以外でも見られるようになってきてます。(各地を転戦するシンスケさん情報から)


  11. There is no Angels game today, so what are the fans doing?
    I haven't watched all of this video, but I tried to consider why Otani is so popular in the comment section of this video.
    This is a revival (American football), no, a global sport (soccer) in MLB's national sport (national sport)
    I feel like I'm looking for a transformation to a sport that is lined up. I think that flagship is Ohtani.
    Of course, my story is a “selfish'' delusion, but I think it's a pretty good line.
    In this scenario, first of all, Mr. Manfred went to the ballpark in Houston during the World Series, not in New York (MLB Headquarters), to join Otani in awarding the Commissioner's Special Award several years ago. Things begin.
    The previous commissioner frequently gave awards, but after he became commissioner, Otani was the first to give an award. This is very important. It's completely different from the response of the judge who hit the historic 62 home run that won the MVP (American League) competition (reporter vote). Otani fans in Japan's 1st division, from the United States, made many remarks such as "I used a flying ball", "The pitcher threw it on a course that is easy for the judges to hit", and "Racism". As a fellow Japanese, it was embarrassing. (Of course, there are many races and there is discrimination, so I know that discrimination is a problem. But I also know that there is no discrimination in Japan.) In Otani's generation, it was a long time ago. I feel like I'm getting different.
    Manfred is a lawyer, but he is currently the representative (manager) of 30 baseball teams. He has power unlike the Japanese decoration commissioners.
    His ambition seems to be to raise the status of major baseball, which is lagging behind soccer. That is why he is of Asian descent and has a worldwide name on the cover of Newsweek magazine. It seems that he wants to make Ohtani the face of MLB.
    Therefore, even in the WBC, Japan should have had an advantageous combination in the qualifying. It wasn't as exciting in the US as it was in Japan, but it should have been better than the last time because of Trout's participation. (Despite the slump in baseball popularity)
    Even though it may seem like overkill, the event was a great success as we were able to see the trout and Otani confrontation. In that respect, I think that the position of the WBC is an event aimed at improving the global standing of MLB. (It can't be helped that the MLB organization is taking the initiative in an event hosted by the United States, and although there is room for improvement, it may be an exaggeration to say that everything is better than the United States.)
    It seems that Ohtani is currently in control of MLB's fate. Also, South American Ronald José Acuña Blanco Jr. (born December 18, 1997) surpassed Otani in the All-Star vote. Acuna Jr., who is trying to make a new history in the majors. Attention will continue to be focused on the Braves' young superstar, who currently boasts the highest winning percentage in the majors. I think it's significant that this is from South America, not North America. Most of the countries in South America are famous for soccer. (If you search Google in Japan, Shohei Ohtani will always be the name of the All-Star with the most votes, with the exception of the American League.
    "Even if it's a delusion, if you talk like this, some Japanese people will say, 'I'm being used well.'" But Ohtani also wants to make baseball, which he loves, a major sport in the world, so it would be "not Yabusaka"(not fragile) to take the initiative and play a PR role. One example of his efforts is dealing with little kids. So even in the US, little by little, little kids wearing number 17 uniforms are starting to be seen outside the home base. (From Shinsuke's information who fights in various places)
    It seems that this video chat centered on Otani is also entering its sixth year. For me, Mr. Shinsuke edits the videos in detail and uploads them almost every day during the season. It seems that he started wanting to do it), which led to Otani's name recognition, which helped Otani to improve his position so that he could not lose his goal of baseball to soccer (he seems to be a former soccer player, but it seems to be a contradiction). , maybe he wanted to support Japanese players.) I think it's becoming. It may be just a little help, but if Ohtani becomes famous worldwide and baseball becomes a major sport worldwide, Shinsuke's efforts will They probably do it out of love, but I dare say it.) It will pay off. (by Yoshimasa Urushibata)

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