Grand Marie / Earth U-Olga Marie

Special Class Compatibility:

– Lancer, Caster, Moon Cancer, Pretender do x2 dmg to her and take x2 dmg from her
– Saber, Ruler, Avenger, Shielder take 0.5x dmg from her and do 0.5x dmg to her
– All other Class do 1x dmg to her and take 1x dmg from her

– All her attacks are AoE
– Her Sonicwave/Shockwave attacks deal more dmg to Servants “closer” to her.
– You can target her left and right horns, in addition to her main body.
– Even if the horns are defeated, they will regenerate after one turn, but while they are defeated, it will be easier to damage her main body.
– When you attack the horns, Grand Marie Ore will drop, and you can obtain permanent “Ore Buffs” that strengthens your entire party (including backline).
– When you collect five “Ore Buffs” of the same type, they will be upgraded to next tier.

How to beat Grand Marie:
– You must field 10 teams of 3 Servants each.
– Each Servant & Craft Essence can only be used in one team.
– Each team has 3 turns to deal dmg to Grand Marie before they’re forced to retreat.
– If Grand Marie defeat them before they can retreat, she will heal herself a massive amount. Try to put Servants with Defensive advantage to the left of your team to protect your 2nd and 3rd Servants.
– Grand Marie has 4 HP bar, and will become increasingly stronger after each break, doing more dmg and gaining immunity to control debuff.
– The main strategy is to stack Ore Buffs with the first 5~6 teams by focusing on defeating her Horns, then switch to strong Single Target teams for the last 4~5 slots that can quickly defeat each of her HP bar before they’re wiped/have to retreat.
– The turn after you break her Horn, the main body will take significantly more dmg. Take advantage of these windows if you can.
– Command Seals are usable. You also can quit and restart mid-battle at any time. Abuse this however you want.



  1. I played like ass and the fight lag my phone to hell, but hey, a clear is a clear.
    Not sure if I want to try Somewhat Serious and Super Serious mode.

  2. I see she unlocks Foreigner CS? so no Foreigner OC twists like a lot of people suspected and we are just getting plain old boring Rulers OC 🙁

  3. (Fight Start) – “If you had run away I would have let you go. Do you really think you can fight me, the strongest of the fragments?”

    (Bar break) – “Oh? So your getting all the way here wasn’t a fluke, I see. But… it’s like being bitten by an insect. Getting to this point and still not knowing your place is so beyond pitiful it’s cute.”

    (Bar break 2) – “*Yawn*… oh, sorry. What was that? It’s not that you’re weak – I’m just incredibly strong!”

    (Break 3) – “Oh jeez, so persistent, so noisy, so stubborn! Very well! From now on, I’ll show no mercy! Throw away your worries now… and finish this all in one fell swoop!”

    I genuinely cannot make out what she’s saying at the end when she’s defeated lol. Something something “This can’t be… I’m the strongest Olga Marie…” then something about Humanity and then literal last word in the sentence is close to impossible for me to hear

  4. I've been pretty burned out on this game as of late but this fight alone brings me a bit of hope we might see more unique designed fights. This fight was the most fun I've had with the game for a while, I really enjoyed it.
    Fielded Arcueid for my last team and she managed to finish off the last 3 HP Bars in 3 turns, gotta love the Moon Cancer offensive advantage.

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