New Side Story event When Elegies Are Ashes is coming soon to CN


#Arknights #明日方舟 #News #アークナイツ


  1. No f*cking way I just put all my module blocks into Gnosis, because I thought it's actually good with +5% fragile increase and now bro gets an +sp module 😭

  2. Bro at first I'm not that excited with this event, Eblana as shaper caster very obvious, and none of the new skins is for Logoat, then the modules appeared, new mods for Gnosis and Vigil?? And my long awaited alchemist mod hell yeah, hoping they're not disappointing

  3. まぁたどのツラナイツが増えるよぉ()

  4. Finally another enemy leader become playable operator and yes, Eblana the Leader skills almost same like when she previously become boss.

  5. Oh wow, what a surprise. Another morally questionable character that becomes playable because hot. Oh wow, this is so surprising, I definitely didn't see this one coming…

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