Check out this modern and comfortable home for a large and happy family!
Timecodes for your comfort:
0:00 In today’s video
0:13 Wall construction
0:31 Exterior and landscaping
3:13 First floor interior
5:49 First floor plan
5:56 Second floor interior
9:24 Second floor plan
9:30 Third floor interior
10:27 Third floor plan
You can buy me a coffee:
Gallery ID: theInSims
Tray files:
3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Modern Family Home
Cost: § 132 184
Location: Newcrest, Ridgeline Drive, Cookout Lookout, 30×20
In this house I used arts from the Catatron16 Gallery.
Thank you for watching❤️
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WACOCA: People, Life, Style.