That’s Never Happened Before is a glitch-centered show that features top runners breaking down the glitches in some of your favorite games, hosted by Kungfufruitcup! We’ll be looking into the background and techniques involved in glitches during a run as we slow it down and get into the nitty gritty. We also might get a chance to see some intriguing ones that you wouldn’t normally find in a speed run! If you loves glitches, this is the show for you! Tune in to at 10pm Eastern every other Monday. This episode was aired on April 18th, 2022.

Introduction starts at 0:00​​​​
Run starts at 2:48
Run starts at 1:49:55

Featured Streamers:

Interested in hosting a speedrunning event on GamesDoneQuick’s Twitch channel? Send us an email to hotfix at gamesdonequick dot com with your event details!

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.