Part 10 – Bottom of the Well. #Zelda #ocarinaoftime
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  2. The "Kakariko Burning" cutscene is ICONIC.

    Also I definitely remember it a different color too. Like purple TV static almost.

  3. You and me too about the bottom of the well😖 makes me feel like old home, keep up the good work and good gameplay I appreciate it🙂

  4. “This thing better not be stupid is all I’ve got to say”. I see my father told you what he said when I was born.

  5. Hey Bill, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Wim Hoff method to you if you haven't tried already! Even leaving out the cold exposure and just doing his breathing technique has a tremendous effect on ones mood, mind and body! It helped me a lot. Wish you all the best!

  6. Dude I relate to you on so many shit with life situations and I love hearing you talk about it because it helps me out also . I just wanted you to know that . Keep up the gaming man.

  7. I don’t have no NINTENDO 64 or that game console yet I am planning to buy it
    I do have wii console and 10 games and replacing SUPER Nintendo console
    Super Nintendo is broken but still working order
    Power switch jammed I can turn on the power switch from below the power switch on Super Nintendo

  8. Oh god Bill, after listening to this all I want to do is make you some soup.
    You did bring back a good memory though, one of my best friends in high school was a Nintendo fanatic. He used to carry around an ocarina and we’d do Kamaro’s dance together. I’m sure he is somewhere out there replaying these games. I believe he fled south like every other high school friend from Jersey I have.

  9. The bloodstains in the well are red so the blood is extremely fresh. Have fun with that thought.

  10. It's a bug in the game that triggers if you obtain the poacher's saw before the deku theater. i found that out when it happened to me. Great video

  11. Burning Kakariko cutscene worried me as a kid….and then I wondered how the buildings were not damaged

  12. 1. I will say this once and then leave it alone: in case you missed my tirade about this on your actual Twitter, that pic of you in the hospital? YOU SCARED ME. I thought it was current! And I' don't know if I'm done being mad at you.
    2. Yeah, that's Bongo-Bongo, and he was purple on my TV, too.
    3. Musically, thNocturne of Shadow" is a diverse piece, because it goes from Dm to DM (minor to major: lower-case m means minor, upper-case means major, just o you know). Those are on the same scale, but they are NOT one another's relative minor and major. Bm is the relative minor to DM (i.e. they use the same flats and sharps), which is more pleasing to the ear on a strictly auditory level, BUT, on the MOOD level, to move from the minor to the major on the same scale is like coming to rest. It's what church music does a lot of the tim with the long "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-men" at the end of a hymn. To the mood connected to the ear, i feels like returning home. Same reason why, with the 1-4-5 chords, you NEVER stop on the 5. It's the same as leaving someone hanging, not finishing your sentence.
    4. Ugh, I feel that way about my home. I was saying to my aunt yesterday, who came to Canada to see a friend of hers, but then also came to take me out to lunch, for as nice as she thinks my house is, I am so SICK of this f*cking place. UUUUUGH. I said to her, when I die, take every useful part of me and give it to someone who can use it, take my heart and lungs for science, because I have a very, very rare congenital condition which they could afford to study for other people's benefit, burn the rest of me, and scatter me on the Canadian side under the Blue Water Bridge that connects Sarnia to Michigan. If you ever get the chance to come up that way, Bill, do it, and stop under the bridge at the Canadian side and eat the fries they sell out of a food truck there. Best fries in the world, and that place just makes me happy. I wasn't born in Sarnia, but my dad grew up there, and we go under the bridge every once in a while, and I'm just like, "Yeah…this is a good place to rest." Only problem is, my aunt says, it's a really public place, so they'd have to sneak a bit to scatter me in the water there. Scattering is, by the way…TECHNICALLY illegal…but people look the other way. You're dead! F*ck i! Do what you want, eh?
    5. "Happy" and "moving forward" are not necessary to one another. YOU are living proof of that. You, like many, would likely be content to be permitted to stay in one place–at least temporally, if not physically–forever, or at least for a good, long time. Me too, to be real. I need a future right now–something to look forward to before I start ripping out my hair–but at the same time, I have to admit, I'm afraid of change. We all are. It's why the general concept of "Brave New World" works, at least on the face of it. The World Controller argue that stability is the primal and ultimate need. You SHOULD read that book, eh: I wonder if you'd agree with the premise, if not with the execution? I don't expect you'd agree with the execution: a lot of it has to do with eugenics, and you're not a terrible person, so I imagine eugenics wouldn't be your thing.
    6. Snort, "conquest" for marriage. I KNOW you didn't mean it this way, but yeah, any woman worth her salt would not consider herself a conquest. I'd marry you, eh, BUUUUUUT, few problems with that :distance, for one, you're taken, for two, and, for three, even if you weren't taken, I might insist on you finding your own intrinsic worth first. As to kids, same principle applies. People are not milestones, eh. Case in point: my idiot cousin thought the same thing: get married, make babies, but she never wanted kids, and her kids are accordingly messed up. Because she did "the right thing", which is to say, the thing her society bitched at her to do, ENTIRELY for the wrong reason. She did it because society bitched at her to do i, not because she wanted to. So, separating yourself from the all-consuming patriarchy bullshit, what do YOU want? You as an individual.
    7. LOL, no, you're not reaching with the sleep/death thing. There's this guy here on YouTube, Alexander, he goes by "Exurbia", who made a video once called "Sleep is Death Being Shy". And if my memory is right, it begins…"I was once taking a drive with my father at night, and I think I was about six years old, and I remember drifting off. And when I woke up, he asked me, 'Where did you go?', and I said 'I dunno.', and he said, 'Sleep is kind of weird, isn't it?', and I grumbled a bit in agreement. And he said, 'Sleep is a little bit like dying, isn't it?', and I said, 'I'M SIX F*CKING YEARS OLD!'". XD I love Exurbia .Guy's a literal polymath. Like, okay, a "jack of all trades" can do pretty much anything, but is crappy at all of it, while a polymath can do pretty much anything, but is actually GOOD at all of it. I'm kind of jealous, but I heard he's a real jackass in real life, sooooo, NOT jealous. I do like this one song he wrote, though. It's called "Blueshift". Look it up, eh? Wish I could play piano like that.
    8. No, fruit flies aren't in the fruit, they're on it, and their eggs are, too. The thing that keeps them from invading your fruit is simple: wash all of your fruit, including the bananas and pineapple, as soon as you get it home from the store. That'll take care of most of them, since the eggs would be washed off.
    9. Jazz hands when you're pissed? XD Jesus Christ, sounds like something my dad would do. He makes up these long speeches he'd give to the person he's pissed at, if they would ever listen. He's also really good at making up slogans and words and shit, and he made up a word that's based on an existing slur which I vetoed RIGHT there because it was a variation on the R word, which, to me, is the disability-oriented equivalent of the N word. Ugh. He can be dumb, but I love him. And I talk to myself constantly, and I'm not even unhappy.
    10. Oh GODS, you listen to Pink Floyd? Ay-ay-ay, that's just going to feed the depression. They're f*cking miserable. My boss at my old volunteer job, which was a song and story-writing program for adults with disabilities, he used to wander around while we were writing and sing Pink Floyd and play on his guitar and I'd just be like, "Bob, ANYTHING ELSE!!! ANYTHING!!!" XD
    11. Yeah, I don't want to live alone. As soon as I have either a full-time job, or two or three part time jobs, I'm moving out and my bestie and I are going to live together. She is the brain to my heart. I'm the emotional one, while she's much more logical, and if you like literal geniuses, she'd be your kind of person. I fake like I'm smart, but she actually is. And I hate her. By which I mean I love her. But neither of us functions well without the other, so moving in with her is a good idea anyway. I've even been told by a few people that, with my medical track record, NOT the best idea for me to live alone. So Lisa would also be the "call the ambulance for your unconscious bestie" go-to. LOL. Poor her.
    12. Spirit Temple, please. My OCD demands it with the medallion order. Besides, I like it better.
    13. "They're the valley girls of Hyrule." That made me laugh. XD Last time I played OoT was on the Wii, so it's been a hot minute, and last time any of my friends played it, well, never, since MOST of my friends are flat-out blind. I just watch you do it because you're here, and you're you, and I like that you're here and you're you. Even if you don't.
    14 .Oooooh…what was I doing in 2015…? Seven years ago. Was that before or after I flopped Stats? That course was a bitch. Hadn't met you yet, so THAT was yet to come, but the only thing I'd change is, if I had a time machine, I'd go back and say to my past self, "No, you're not hallucinating; I'm you from the future. You'll meet a tall guy with curly red hair, blue eyes, and he'll be really witty and pretend to have manners. DON'T DATE HIM." I don't regret Kay: at least he showed me what I don't want. But I DO regret wasting time on him.

  13. I use to always watch my older brother play Ocarina of Time. Then id try to play and I would always get to the water temple and give up playing because i could never beat it. It was until a couple years ago in my esrly twenties that I actually beat the game. I havent replayed it since i beat it but it is always nostalgic for me to watch someone play Ocarina of time.

  14. Of course life sucks, it's life.
    I wish I had a Monster Girl wife (Monster Girl Encyclopedia). That's probably my most thought about thoughts.

  15. Bongo Bongo's shadow blob was definitely more purple and red than blue, or at least that's how I remember it

  16. Pretty much everyone I know who grew up playing OoT still play it, talk about it and watch videos about it. You're not alone Bill. Same goes for MM and WW

  17. 26:10 there is a second item there, a deku nut expansion. There is a glitch involving the poacher’s saw from the Biggoron quest which sets an improper flag, making it impossible to get that upgrade.

  18. Fun fact, link often yells "scheet" though I am sure that's not how most of you would spell it, it means "fart" in dutch, as a kid this used to amuse me to no end, just wanted to share that. Keep up the great videos!

  19. The bottom if the well is so easy. Literally no keys are needed what so ever. Beat the skulltula, run around the back of the "river/moat" play zeldas lullaby to lower the water, run back around near the entrance to the pit, crawl through the hole, beat the dead hand, get the lens and leave. I never understood the point of the rest of the well. Get the lens and get out.

  20. I think what you mentioned about having a "ambition" in life after achieving something is false, the actual thing everyone should look for is their own happiness. Getting married and having kids or whatever there is in the middle is one of the things most people look forwards to but it's not in itself the thing that will make you happy.
    For example me, I like just having a snack every now and then, playing game, watching something, buying nice stuff, those things are small things that make me happy and that's enough.

  21. Bill you should check out the Ys games. Great action adventures similar to Zelda that are mad underrated.

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