Today, we’re talking about what makes each of the souls games difficult. This includes Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. I thought this would be an interesting topic because they all have different features that give them a unique challenge, setting them apart from one another.

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0:00 – Intro
0:29 – Demon’s Souls
2:06 – Atlas VPN
2:54 – Dark Souls
4:17 – Dark Souls 2
5:49 – Bloodborne
7:02 – Dark Souls 3
8:09 – Sekiro
9:17 – Elden Ring

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  1. What bugged me the most with elden ring was the attacking window when facing the bosses. You either have the chance to land a single hit because the boss decided to do a 20 combo piece forcing you to dodge for 1 minute straight and leave you with the stamina for 1 attack, or, when there is an oppening for attack, attack once instead of twice because by the moment you go for the second attack the boss is way faster dropping you on your knees.

  2. Great video but these outros are getting really annoying. Please shorten them down a bit next time.

  3. They should add world lvl scaling based off what lvl u are so it's its not easy but still a hard challenge to the normal enemies of the overworld

  4. Yep, definitely the hardest part of Sekiro was unlearning everything I have learned about Souls combat.

  5. I like how he got killed through a wall then says that you shouldn’t blame the game

  6. To be honest I only played Elder Ring and Sekiro(I haven't completed Sekiro yet unfortunately because I bought it right before Elder Ring came out) but for me – the biggest enemy is gravitation (because of a huge open world) and just falling and dying when I don't expect it 😀

  7. Dude I played Des. On ps3 and wanted to Plat it. I needed the final piece to max out my uchigitana (Sharp) and the drop rate was so low I never did get it 🙁
    For DS1 I would say for me the not being able to teleport was the hardest part, you better remember how to get from point A to point Z.
    DS2 it was the off I frames. It was hard to adjust to that.
    BB and DS3 were both fairly easy to me.
    Elden ring it was just right to me difficulty wise.

  8. I will never understand the people who says sekiro is not a soul game. It's litteraly made by the same company …

  9. Bro the level design was one of the most beautiful things about bloodborne
    I agree with the jump/roll though
    20 blood vials is more than enough to finish a level. Granted I’m not on ng6 just ng3 but still.

    It encourages sneaking around and exploring a beautiful map

    I get it’s annoying to have to keep buying them, but I think people just look for things to nit pick cause bloodborne is such a perfect game

  10. I struggled so hard with sekiro and then it just sorta clicked and now I go stomp on genichiro or isshin whenever elden ring frustrates me with it's bs delayed attacks and wombo combos. Seriously though, I wish elden ring bosses had more clearly punishable windows. Sometimes I just stand there waiting for the bosses to finish some 30 second long combo, only to then have them chain it straight into the next one. Sure, I CAN beat them, but just because I can doesn't mean it's fun poking them once every half an hour hoping not to get caught in some infinite stagger combo which can kill you in 2 hits.

  11. Dark souls 1 Greatest Difficulty is honestly knowing WHERE and WHEN to go to certain places. Its the only game besides 'blood born' thats a 3D METROID game. Watched a friend play it for the first time and he literally needed to pull up guides after most bosses just to know where to go and what to do. neither of us even had that issue with blood born. I don't count that as a flaw either, I really liked that particular challenge.

  12. An evolution of runbacks to the bosses in each game FromSoft has put out over the last decade or so would be awesome. They're never fun, but it would be neat to see someone analyze why they're not fun lol

  13. Well i lactually liked the delays of Elden Ring. Sure i hated them at first but i learned to play with them over time and it felt a bit like i would learn Soulsborne again from scratch – at least a little bit. But i absolutly see people disliking it, i called BS so often in the beginning

  14. Cringe, “omg elden ring ez but the moves are not telegraphed for me the way i like. They are too hard“ that’s what u sound like. Git gud the hardest thing about Elden Ring for real is the way some enemies are designed to kill you in one combo or a one shot grab move. That’s all.

  15. are you talking dark souls 2 dark souls 2, or sotfs dark souls 2

  16. I don't understand the thing about Elden Ring because I feel like the Dark Souls games have way more of the slow attacks… 😭 I was able to get into Elden Ring so well because it was so much faster paced, after that I was able to play Bloodborne because it wasn't that much slower than Elden Ring, and only after that I could start playing Dark Souls and it was really difficult because everything felt so slow. The way the enemies charge their attacks makes no sense because they hold the weapon is such a way that it would just strain their arms, not give them momentum when they hold it there for 10 seconds before finally hitting you… In Elden Ring imo the attacks feel much more fluid and the attacks that do take long also make sense visually, it doesn't look like the enemy is threatening to fall back from the weight of their weapon because the weapon isn't just pointing straight in the air behind them

  17. For ER, in the beginning the bosses were the hardest, but now I think the late game enemies are. The fact that Malenia needs 3 hits to kill me, but some random enemy (THAT FUCING STONE CAT) does more damage than that, doesn't make it much fun, it just makes exploring some parts more tedious, and when the game is all about exploring the magnificent world is not the best combination. Still my favorite of the software game.
    Plus the main bosses are totally fine for me, love it almost all of them

  18. If you actually focus on the bosses in Elden ring you'll see exactly when they are gonna hit also it stops roll spamming which was a problem. Roll spamming broke the flow of everything and making the game look more choppy and have no flow. If you play ds3 you will see how much easier the bosses are because you can roll spam

  19. I for one loved the delay in Elden Ring only because it made it seem like there was actual weight being the weapon the enemy is holding, rather than an easy weapon or stick to throw around it was like they were actually holding the weapon. Though I agree with certain bosses the flow was a bit broken at times once you got their patterns down

  20. Having platinumed and beaten Sekiro 7 times, owl fight #2 is harder than Isshin. Isshin can be taken down to his last phase without taking a single hit easily, and then phase 3 has lightning which makes it easy to counter and drop his stagger bar. Owl also has a very repetitive move set but I feel lightning really makes it too easy to drop the stamina bar.

  21. The biggest difficulty in ds1 is knowing where to go. Its like jrpgs from the 80s where npcs throw small hints here and there and you are left to explore on your own. Didnt help that it was my first fromsoft game either

  22. You said that Ds2 has more annoying enemy placement, yet all of your clips show you running straight past 14 enemies. Ds2 isn't actually very ganky, just that the enemies will pursue you to the ends of the earth so if you don't clear them, there will be 8 Alonne knights on your ass. Plus you showcased the only 3-4 examples of this.

    Edit: Bloodborne harder because of "Lack of shields" AHAHAHAH

    shields not existing shouldn't make a difference because you shouldn't use them

  23. With Sekiro the fuck3rs with the flute or the disgusting monks even that rat on the mist is disgusting, the hardest minibosses may be the ghost who summons spirits, and the first ninja If you are playing for the first time the aholes that come from the walls with the lizards on the serpent's cave in the dark all of those moments suck but nothing is more disgusting than those immortal monks, I hate the red dwarfs also and getting poison or terror but If I have tô pick It will be the cave with the gekos, and everything poison related, bosses well they are all kind of the same I will go for Demon of Hatred, a boss that never dies and has 3 long bars, also the two apes, they suck together.

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