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  1. Been watching you since 2019 love all your videos thanks for the all the laughs

  2. So O&S do have a new move Ornstine turns into just lighting and dashes across the floor he almost always does it at the start of the fight for me

  3. the painting guy is "Old Man McLoyf", who was an advisor to gwyn. his face is on the copper coin.

  4. The common impression about O&S is that Smough is easier. Lemme tell you how he's not.
    If you fight super Smough you have to:
    1. Beat Ornstein in the first phase, which is really hard considering how fast he moves and that he has more defense than Smough. It makes first phase really bad, perhaps why people call this fight hard to begin with.
    2. Beat Super Smough. His main move is his butt-slam, which is MUCH wider than Super Ornstein's, nearly impossible to dodge if you don't run away immediately. His charge is somewhat dangerous, none of his other moves are, his moveset is known and he's not tanky.

    If you fight super Ornstein you have to:
    1. Beat Smough first. Notice that double fight is in fact the hardest part about this fight, since it's random, and beating Smough first is the easiest, since he doesn't move much and he's very weak.
    2. Beat Super Ornstein. His most menacing moves are spear grab, butt-slam and combo. His combos are negated by being close to him, his spear grab is telegraphed and his butt-slam is dodgeable even if you're close and he starts doing that. His moveset is new, and he's much tankier than Smough.

    Isn't it easier to deal with his new moveset and easier first phase, rather than deal with harder first phase AND harder-avoidable slam? That's what i'm talking about here, it doesn't add up, people don't seem to notice that, just not wanting to risk dealing with new Super Ornstein, despite it by all means being easier.

  5. Counting gravity deaths in prod's videos, day 285: There are 1 gravity deaths in this video. Deaths this year: 179

    Tomorrow I'll be back from my vacation, so I should be able to post more regularly

  6. In my playthrough I noticed that Ornstein has at least one new move in his normal form, which you sadly didn't get to see. It's kind of like his silly charge attack, but I think even slightly faster but straight once he starts, and he also charges up lightning beforehand, so he becomes like a big lightning ball hurling towards you. I only saw it a few times and was busy dodging, but It was cool! 😀

  7. I forgot that when you get hit in this game you moan like you're getting the turbo suck 40,000,000

  8. How is Prod still surprised by mimic’s bs hitboxes. Something like that always happens, he can even grab you if you’re behind him.

  9. Some modder needs to give Smough the Lightening Ram ash of war attack from Elden Ring. Regular Smough just rolls, Super Smough gets lightening roll.

  10. Please Prod. I NEED another part of Thymesia😫❤️👍🏻 (seriously, it gets REALLY good. I beat it and was very impressed)

  11. "He went straight to hell, he didn' t even die!" – Me every time I play darksouls

  12. The roof part of the painting building is the kinda stuff i miss from DS1s particular brand of level design. There's really nowhere else in the series that feels as muscle-tightening as there *every time you play it*.

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