We make our way through the end of the dark areas and then into the New Anorlondo Ruins. (I probably spelt that wrong. Just a quick description because I am traveling for work right now. Will have to update the thumbnail later.

Does anybody even read this anyways???
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  1. So many moments in here. I'm with you Relyea. The darkness got me on this one. lol Hugs to you and all the fam💕✨ Okay but I was nail biting at the end when you kept not healing and how you made it past the dragons was a miracle. You're too good my friend!

  2. "Are you good or you bad?" ….. uh yes? Don't tell Patches "Yes". You just missed your free twin humanity, buddy. He bribes you with items because he is a coward lmao
    That Black Knight was straight up Batman… lol he fell. Vanished as fast as Batman too. Dropped White Titanite just like Batman too.

    Only Seath and gecko enemies do curse
    Like Holy smokes Relyea you are about to defeat the last of the Lord Souls holders

    Don't miss the fire keeper soul around where the first ghosts are before going up the stairs
    Or the one in the cell behind the squid heads in the Dukes Archives
    There are no bonfires INSIDE New Londo. just Firelink Shrine and the one in the Valley of the drakes past those blue birds

  3. Make sure you play the DLC (included in the remaster for free) before the game's over (you can't go back to do it once you hit the end credits)

  4. DLC: into the hydras cave, kill something, up to the start of dukes archives, kill a random crystal golem, return to the hydra cave

  5. See, this is why I was excited to become a member lol, literally just to watch more dark souls vids early! So many amazing funny one-liners in this one, the reactions to glowy eyes in Tomb of the giants and of course the classic "what is that?!", being glad to be out of the darkness until you realize… nah, and "she's screaming at me to pay child support". Sorry for laughing but the moments are relatable af.

    Sadly no bonfires in the entire New londo ruins, the bonfire you ran to at the end is a decent choice since it is a short run past some annoying dragons to be back in new londo, not so bad if you're quick. After a few playthrus most people tend to start at firelink bonfire, then right at the beginning of the ruins, take a shortcut by dropping down (since the water is drained away now), land on a ruin wall, and then drop off that to avoid fall damage. Definitely helps the run to the area boss IMO.

  6. "You deserve to ___."

    Yes. Yes he does. His name is Patches and he's a reoccurring scumbag. Had to censor the last word cus Youtube.

  7. you were getting nito greatsword and his skill with the red blades if you would've gotten to him before the fight and join his convenant .also the eyes were used to strenghten his conv,idk what you get if you level it up thou

  8. Before you face the boss, make sure you wear the ring you got from beating Sif (the giant wolf boss). If you don’t wear the ring, you can’t even face the boss

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