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Sony Is Reportedly Working On A Horizon Zero Dawn Remake

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  1. Think about Forza Horizon 5. It came out with many accessibility features at launch, yet in a FREE update the devs added ASL and BSL sign languages, as well as TAA antialiasing. You do NOT need to re-release a game to add accessibility or graphics improvements.

  2. I don't blame Sony for this, they are just doing what the Sony fans are supporting and defending lol. If they are dumb enough to buy this crap then why wouldn't Sony do this

  3. You're right. There are some older games need remasters or make new games. I would love to see Kill zone making comeback. Sony is going full Bethesda!

  4. Ah yes comic book totally a trusted source of information
    This is also the same website that thinks urarak and deku was a unforeseen couple for my hero academia and labels it
    "Things you missed"

    Is it wrong the game they say thet are remaking
    Maybe not but I do not consider comic book reliable

  5. Getting fed up of the lazy remasters and remakes. Get together and make some new damn franchises.

  6. My guy you gotta relax with the bird intros. That was barely funny the first time.

  7. I hope you Sony FANBOYS are finally paying attention!!!! If not YOU will be paying $90 a game. It's time to start sending messages to Crony…I mean Sony!! Before it's too late!!!

  8. Personally I can’t wait for new engine coming so I can play all these remastered games 😁

  9. phew thank God. this $70 was really burning a hole in my pocket, glad I have a way of getting rid of it now (I can't spend it on literally anything else!!)

  10. Sony is sooo anti-consumer with the ps4 and now ps5 I'm not a fanboy of any system i have xbox and ps4/5 and Nintendo switch but other people need to stop buying these games that don't need remakes so Sony can actually make remakes of games that need it

  11. I see Sony trying to recreate the same buzz, the remaster/remake of Shadow Of The Colossus did in E3 2017.

  12. i love the last of us and thought the remake was ridiculous, but there isnt a word for the zero dawn remaster. well there is, but id probably get in trouble for typing it. i just hope it does poorly so they stop doing completely idiotic things like this.

  13. Why dont we remake games like FEAR, Kotor 1 and 2, Left 4 Dead, and the countless other classics that deserve it.

  14. So the PS5 is just a PS4 Deluxe Plus Expanded edition at this point


    Idiots 🤦

  15. I guess I'm out of my mind with this comment. I personally haven't tried either Horizon games but imo, if Sony wants to set 100 million dollars on fire, so be it. You don't have to be there to see the flames. Let them do as they want with their money. If it was a crowd funded game, then I can agree with the consumers.

  16. Oprah: And you get a remake, and you get a remake. EVERYONE GETS A REMAKE

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